Pogčedajte punu verziju : Jos jedna php klasica za validaciju forme

26. 01. 2013., 22:42
Ima bolje i pametnije napisanih i sveobuhvatnijih, ali evo... mozda cak nekome i posluzi, za neke skromnije potrebe... :D

class Form_validator


var $errors='';
var $output='';
public function __construct()
foreach($_POST as $key=>$value) {


public function validate($vars)





//check rules

//required field

$this->errors.= $title. ' is required field!<br />';


//only text is allowed


if(preg_match('%[^A-Za-z ]%',$var))
$this->errors.= $title. ' field should contain only letters!<br />';


//only letters & numbers are allowed


if(preg_match('%[^A-Za-z0-9 ]%',$var))
$this->errors.= $title. ' field should contain only letters and/or numbers!<br />';


//valid email


if(!filter_var($var, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL))
$this->errors.= $title. ' is not a valid email address!<br />';


//only numeric chars

if(preg_match('%[^0-9. ]%',$var))
$this->errors.= $title. ' field should contain only numbers!<br />';


//minimal chars


$this->errors.= $title. " should have at least $numb characters!<br />";


//max chars


$this->errors.= $title. " should have at most $numb characters!<br />";


//check single checkbox


$this->errors.= $title. " wrong entry!<br />";


//check checkbox group/multiple checkboxes




foreach ($var as $val) {
$this->errors.= $title. " wrong entry!<br />";


//check radio buttons group




$this->errors.= $title. " wrong entry!<br />";


//only numeric chars

if(preg_match('%\[.+\]%',$rules,$match)) {


$this->errors.= $title. " contains disallowed char(s)!<br />";


if(!is_array($var)) {
$this->output.=$title. ' : '. $var. '<br />';
$this->output.=$title. ' : '. implode(',',$var). '<br />';



return false;


return true;




$validator= new Form_validator;
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>

<form action="" method="post">
Please enter your name: <br />
<input name="name" type="text" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['name']; ?>" />
<br />
Please enter your email: <br />
<input name="email" type="text" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['email']; ?>" />
<br />
Please enter some number: <br />
<input name="number" type="text" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['number']; ?>" />
<br />
I agree with terms and conditions:
<input name="terms" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php if($_SESSION['terms']=='1') echo 'checked' ?> />
<br />
Vehicle:<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="vehicle[]" value="Bike" <?php if(in_array('Bike',$_SESSION['vehicle'])) echo 'checked'; ?> >I have a bike<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="vehicle[]" value="Car" <?php if(in_array('Car',$_SESSION['vehicle'])) echo 'checked'; ?> >I have a car<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="vehicle[]" value="Plane"<?php if(in_array('Plane',$_SESSION['vehicle'])) echo 'checked'; ?> >I have a plane<br>
<br />
Gender:<br />
<input type="radio" name="gender" value="male" <?php if($_SESSION['gender']=='male') echo 'checked' ?> >Male<br />
<input type="radio" name="gender" value="female"<?php if($_SESSION['gender']=='female') echo 'checked' ?> >Female<br />
<br />
How did you hear about us: <br />
<select name="how">
<option value="0">Please select one option</option>
<option value="Google">Google</option>
<option value="Radio">Radio</option>
<option value="TV">TV</option>
<option value="Other">Other</option>
<br />
Numbers and text:<br />
<input name="numbtext" type="text" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['numbtext']; ?>" />
<br />
Message:<br />
<textarea name="message" cols="" rows="" style="width:250px;height:130px;"><?php echo $_SESSION['message']; ?></textarea>
<br /><br />
<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit" />



// Set variable description titles (used for error messages), names, and validation rules + type of fields (checkboxes and radio buttons).
req=required field
text=only letters are allowed
min = minimal number of characters
max = maximal number of characters
valid_email = obviously... :)
num = only numeric chars
alpha_digit = numbers&letters allowed
custom = format:[^your custom list of allowed characters in field]

check_single - single check box
check_multi - checkbox group
radio - radio buttons group

//rules for check box -> check_single -> one checkbox, value:-> check for exact value! check_multi -> checkbox group values:-> check for exact values!

$vars = array
array("Name", 'req|text|min=6|max=20' , $_POST['name']),
array("Email", 'valid_email' , $_POST['email']),
array("Test Number", 'req|num|max=4' , $_POST['number']),
//single checkbox setup -> additional fields: type, checked value
array("Terms and Conditions", 'req|type:check_single|value:1' , $_POST['terms']),
//single checkbox setup -> additional fields in rules section: type, multiple checkboxes, checked values
array("Vehicle", 'req|type:check_multi|values:(Bike,Car,Plane)' , $_POST['vehicle']),
// Radio button group setup -> additional fields in rules section: type, checked values
array("Gender", 'req|type:radio|values:(male,female)' , $_POST['gender']),
// select dropdown setup
array("How did you hear about us", 'req' , $_POST['how']),
//letters and text validation
array("Numbers and text", 'req|alpha_digit' , $_POST['numbtext']),

//custom regex setup -> add custom ALLOWED characters, if variable contains any other chars - validation will fail -> format: [^custom chars]
array("Message", 'req|custom[^A-Za-z0-9-,.\r\n!?= ]' , $_POST['message'])


//if validation fails print error messages

echo $validator->errors;

//else send mail, or whatever...
echo 'Validation passed!<br />';
echo $validator->output;




Naravno, ovo je vise vezbica, kritike samog koncepta i razrade su dobrodosle. :D

26. 01. 2013., 23:42
Prvo što primetih:

public function __construct()
foreach($_POST as $key=>$value) {

Može se upisati bilo koja promenljiva u sesiju (npr. admin, logged, loggedin, user....)

27. 01. 2013., 00:16
Eh, ostavio sam to zarad kreiranja session varijabli i ispisivanja u poljima forme, ali cu naci drugi nacin! Hvala ;)

27. 01. 2013., 00:19
Previše ti radi ova metoda, u suštini, ovo je funkcija unutar class :) Razloži na proste faktore.

27. 01. 2013., 01:13
Da, oseti se taj amaterski OOP smek. :D
Mozda bi upotreba klase (oop-a) imala smisla ukoliko bih ovo pretvorio u kompletan paket - kreiranje i validaciju forme (pa mozda i slanje maila)...
To sam uradio svojevremeno, ali je kod toliko prljav da ga ne bih postavljao. :)

27. 01. 2013., 01:18
Ne, ne, treba da samo za validaciju služi, nisam mislio na to, već da razložiš filtere na metode, i onda odvojeno procesiraš... pogledaj kako je ovo urađeno: https://github.com/ircmaxell/filterus/tree/master/lib/Filterus

27. 01. 2013., 01:42
Da, da, (mislim da:)) znam na sta si mislio, no dodao sam ono samo usput.
Da li bi to znacilo da se za svako polje/tip polja u formi poziva i razlicita metoda?

$validator-> validate_text($_POST['name'],opcioni parametri)...

To sam zapravo zeleo da izbegnem (koliko je moguce!), da se u samoj 'pripremi validacije' mnogo kucka...

Mada, sad kad gledam... ovim bi se doslo na isto... ona 'konfiguracija' (onaj $vars array) u primeru isto oduzima vreme, a ovo je i znatno preglednije... :D

27. 01. 2013., 02:32
Napravi metodu za svaku operaciju, i onda napravi jednu "glavnu" metodu, tipa process(), u kojoj ćeš vršiti ove provjere.

$min = function ($var, $rules)
preg_match('%min=([0-9]{1,10})%', $rules, $matches);
if (empty($matches[1]))
return false;
return strlen($var) < (int)$matches[1] ? $matches[1] : true;

$var = 'php';
$rules = 'req|text|min=4';

if (strpos($rules, 'min=') !== false)
$num = $min($var, $rules);
if (is_numeric($num))
echo sprintf("Should have at least %d characters!", $num);
elseif ($num === false)
echo 'Invalid rule.';

Ne zadovoljava uslov: http://codepad.viper-7.com/GjvzpF
Pravilo ne valja: http://codepad.viper-7.com/fLY0k6

I stavljaj ovako...

$this->errors[] = $title . " should have at least $numb characters!";

A kasnije za prikaz...

echo implode('<br>', $this->errors);

I ctor promjeni u ovo...

public function __construct()
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value)
if ( ! isset($_SESSION[$key]))
$_SESSION[$key] = $value;

27. 01. 2013., 12:02
'' i onda napravi jednu "glavnu" metodu, tipa process()''...

Hvala na konstruktivnoj kritici i pomoci, ali... ne znam kako to da izvedem. :D
Da preimenujemo temu u ''Jos jedna funkcija za validaciju forme"? :D

27. 01. 2013., 13:45
U stvari... mozda bih i mogao. Hvala na ovom primeru, ce primenimo to... :)

27. 01. 2013., 15:32

class Validator

public function process()
if (strpos($rules, 'min=') !== false)
$num = $this->min($var, $rules);
if (is_numeric($num))
$this->errors[] = "should have at least $num characters!";
} elseif ($num === false)
$this->errors[] = 'Invalid rule.';

private function min($var, $rules)
preg_match('%min=([0-9]{1,10})%', $rules, $matches);
if (empty($matches[1]))
return false;
return strlen($var) < (int)$matches[1] ? $matches[1] : true;


$validator = (new Validator($vars))->process();

Ovako nešto, nadam se da shvataš.

27. 01. 2013., 16:00
Da, da, shvatio, cim uhvatim malo vise vremena stize poboljsana, skoro pa prava klasa. :)

27. 01. 2013., 20:22

class Validator

var $errors=array();
var $output=array();

public function process($vars)




//check required field
if(strpos($rules, 'req') !== false)


$this->errors[] = $title." is required field!";



//only text is allowed


$this->errors[]= $title. ' field should contain only letters!<br />';



//check minimal number of chars
if (strpos($rules, 'min=') !== false)
$num = $this->min($var, $rules);
if (is_numeric($num))
$this->errors[] = $title." should have at least $num characters!";
} elseif ($num === false)
$this->errors[] = 'Invalid rule.';

//check max number of chars
if (strpos($rules, 'max=') !== false)
$num = $this->max($var, $rules);
if (is_numeric($num))
$this->errors[] = $title." should have at most $num characters!";
} elseif ($num === false)
$this->errors[] = 'Invalid rule.';

//check email



$this->errors[]= $title. ' is not a valid email address!<br />';


if(!is_array($var)) {
$this->output[]=$title. ' : '. $var. '<br />';
$this->output[]=$title. ' : '. implode(',',$var). '<br />';


return false;


return true;


//required field
private function required($var)

return true;


//only text

private function only_text($var)
if(preg_match('%[^A-Za-z ]%',$var))
return true;


//valid email

private function valid_email($var)
if(!filter_var($var, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL))

return true;


//min number of chars
private function min($var, $rules)
preg_match('%min=([0-9]{1,10})%', $rules, $match);
if (empty($match[1]))
return false;
return strlen($var) < (int)$match[1] ? $match[1] : true;
//max number of chars

private function max($var, $rules)
preg_match('%max=([0-9]{1,10})%', $rules, $match);
if (empty($match[1]))
return false;
return strlen($var) > (int)$match[1] ? $match[1] : true;


//$validator = (new Validator($vars))->process();

E, samo da pitam, pre nego sto nastavim (ili odustanem:D) ovako bi to trebalo, ili da se ne zakopavam dalje? :didntdoit

27. 01. 2013., 22:53
Jeste, tako nešto, barem bi ja tako u ovom tvom slučaju...

Ne koristi var, to je iz PHP4... stavi public/private/protected, ova 2 zadnja su u suštini ista, ako ćeš private, onda stavi i protected.

private function required($var)
if (empty($var))
return true;
private function required($var)
return empty($var);

I formatiraj code, katastrofa je http://beta.phpformatter.com/

28. 01. 2013., 12:21
I, evo, zahvaljujuci nesebicnoj webartovoj pomoci, poboljsane verzije:

class Validator
public function __construct($prefix)

foreach ($_POST as $key=>$value)



public $errors = array( );
public $output = array( );
public function process( $vars )
for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $vars ); $i++ )
$title = $vars[ $i ][ 0 ];
$rules = $vars[ $i ][ 1 ];
$var = $vars[ $i ][ 2 ];
//check required field
if ( strpos( $rules, 'req' ) !== false )
if ( $this->required( $var ) )
$this->errors[] = $title . " is required field!";
//only text is allowed
if ( strpos( $rules, 'text' ) !== FALSE )
if ( $this->only_text( $var ) )
$this->errors[] = $title . ' field should contain only letters!';
//only numbers are allowed
if ( strpos( $rules, 'num' ) !== FALSE )
if ( $this->only_numbers( $var ) )
$this->errors[] = $title . ' field should contain only numbers!';
//check minimal number of chars
if ( strpos( $rules, 'min=' ) !== false )
$num = $this->min( $var, $rules );
if ( is_numeric( $num ) )
$this->errors[] = $title . " should have at least $num characters!";
elseif ( $num === false )
$this->errors[] = 'Invalid rule.';
//check max number of chars
if ( strpos( $rules, 'max=' ) !== false )
$num = $this->max( $var, $rules );
if ( is_numeric( $num ) )
$this->errors[] = $title . " should have at most $num characters!";
elseif ( $num === false )
$this->errors[] = 'Invalid rule.';
//check email
if ( strpos( $rules, 'valid_email' ) !== FALSE )
if ( $this->valid_email( $var ) )
$this->errors[] = $title . ' is not a valid email address!';
//check single checkbox
if ( strpos( $rules, 'type:check_single' ) !== FALSE )
if ( $this->single_checkbox( $var, $rules ) )
$this->errors[] = $title . " wrong entry!";
//check checkbox group
if ( strpos( $rules, 'type:check_multi' ) !== FALSE )
if ( $this->multi_checkbox( $var, $rules ) )
$this->errors[] = $title . " wrong entry!";
//check radio buttons group
if ( strpos( $rules, 'type:radio' ) !== FALSE )
if ( $this->radio_group( $var, $rules ) )
$this->errors[] = $title . " wrong entry!";
//only letters & numbers are allowed
if ( strpos( $rules, 'alpha_digit' ) !== FALSE )
if ( $this->alpha_digit( $var ) )
$this->errors[] = $title . ' field should contain only letters and/or numbers!<br />';
//custom chars
if ( strpos( $rules, 'custom' ) !== FALSE )
if ( $this->custom( $var, $rules ) )
$this->errors[] = $title . " contains disallowed char(s)!<br />";
if ( !is_array( $var ) )
$this->output[] = $title . ' : ' . $var . '<br />';
$this->output[] = $title . ' : ' . implode( ',', $var ) . '<br />';
if ( !empty( $this->errors ) )
return false;
return true;
//required field
private function required( $var )
return empty( $var );
//only text
private function only_text( $var )
if ( preg_match( '%[^A-Za-z ]%', $var ) )
return true;
//only numbers
private function only_numbers( $var )
if ( preg_match( '%[^0-9. ]%', $var ) )
return true;
// letters and numbers allowed
private function alpha_digit( $var )
if ( preg_match( '%[^A-Za-z0-9 ]%', $var ) )
return true;
//valid email
private function valid_email( $var )
if ( !filter_var( $var, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL ) )
return true;
//min number of chars
private function min( $var, $rules )
preg_match( '%min=([0-9]{1,10})%', $rules, $match );
if ( empty( $match[ 1 ] ) )
return false;
return strlen( $var ) < (int) $match[ 1 ] ? $match[ 1 ] : true;
//max number of chars
private function max( $var, $rules )
preg_match( '%max=([0-9]{1,10})%', $rules, $match );
if ( empty( $match[ 1 ] ) )
return false;
return strlen( $var ) > (int) $match[ 1 ] ? $match[ 1 ] : true;
//check checkbox value
public function single_checkbox( $var, $rules )
preg_match( '%value:[0-9A-Za-z]{1,20}%', $rules, $match );
$value = str_replace( 'value:', '', $match[ 0 ] );
if ( !empty( $var ) )
if ( $var != $value )
return true;
//check checkboxes group value
private function multi_checkbox( $var, $rules )
if ( preg_match( '%values:[()0-9A-Za-z,]{1,200}%', $rules, $match ) )
$replace = array(
$values = str_replace( $replace, '', $match[ 0 ] );
$values_array = explode( ',', $values );
if ( !empty( $var ) )
foreach ( $var as $val )
if ( !in_array( $val, $values_array ) )
return true;
//check radio group values
private function radio_group( $var, $rules )
if ( preg_match( '%values:[()0-9A-Za-z,]{1,200}%', $rules, $match ) )
$replace = array(
$values = str_replace( $replace, '', $match[ 0 ] );
$values_array = explode( ',', $values );
if ( !empty( $var ) )
if ( !in_array( $var, $values_array ) )
return true;
//check custom
private function custom( $var, $rules )
if ( preg_match( '%\[.+\]%', $rules, $match ) )
$rule = $match[ 0 ];
if ( preg_match( "%" . $rule . "%", $var ) )
return true;

upotreba i hm... dokumentacija :D

$validator= new Validator($prefix);

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>

<form action="" method="post">
Please enter your name: <br />
<input name="frm_name" type="text" value="<?php echo $_SESSION["frm_name"]; ?>" />
<br />
Please enter your email: <br />
<input name="frm_email" type="text" value="<?php echo $_SESSION["frm_email"]; ?>" />
<br />
Please enter some number: <br />
<input name="frm_number" type="text" value="<?php echo $_SESSION["frm_number"]; ?>" />
<br />
I agree with terms and conditions:
<input name="frm_terms" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php if($_SESSION['frm_terms']=='1') echo 'checked' ?> />
<br />
Vehicle:<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="frm_vehicle[]" value="Bike" <?php if(in_array('Bike',$_SESSION["frm_vehicle"])) echo 'checked'; ?> >I have a bike<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="frm_vehicle[]" value="Car" <?php if(in_array('Car',$_SESSION["frm_vehicle"])) echo 'checked'; ?> >I have a car<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="frm_vehicle[]" value="Plane"<?php if(in_array('Plane',$_SESSION["frm_vehicle"])) echo 'checked'; ?> >I have a plane<br>
<br />
Gender:<br />
<input type="radio" name="frm_gender" value="male" <?php if($_SESSION['frm_gender']=='male') echo 'checked' ?> >Male<br />
<input type="radio" name="frm_gender" value="female"<?php if($_SESSION['frm_gender']=='female') echo 'checked' ?> >Female<br />
<br />
How did you hear about us: <br />
<select name="frm_how">
<option value="0">Please select one option</option>
<option value="Google">Google</option>
<option value="Radio">Radio</option>
<option value="TV">TV</option>
<option value="Other">Other</option>
<br />
Numbers and text:<br />
<input name="frm_numbtext" type="text" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['frm_numbtext']; ?>" />
<br />
Message:<br />
<textarea name="frm_message" cols="" rows="" style="width:250px;height:130px;"><?php echo $_SESSION['frm_message']; ?></textarea>
<br /><br />
<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit" />



// Set variable description titles (used for error messages), names, and validation rules + type of fields (checkboxes and radio buttons).
req=required field
text=only letters are allowed
min = minimal number of characters
max = maximal number of characters
valid_email = obviously... :)
num = only numeric chars
alpha_digit = numbers&letters allowed
custom = format:[^your custom list of allowed characters in field]

check_single - single check box
check_multi - checkbox group
radio - radio buttons group

//rules for check box -> check_single -> one checkbox, value:-> check for exact value! check_multi -> checkbox group values:-> check for exact values!

$vars = array
array("Name", 'req|text|min=6|max=20' , $_POST['frm_name']),
array("Email", 'valid_email' , $_POST['frm_email']),
array("Test Number", 'req|num|max=4' , $_POST['frm_number']),
//single checkbox setup -> additional fields: type, checked value
array("Terms and Conditions", 'req|type:check_single|value:1' , $_POST['frm_terms']),
//single checkbox setup -> additional fields in rules section: type, multiple checkboxes, checked values
array("Vehicle", 'req|type:check_multi|values:(Bike,Car,Plane)' , $_POST['frm_vehicle']),
// Radio button group setup -> additional fields in rules section: type, checked values
array("Gender", 'req|type:radio|values:(male,female)' , $_POST['frm_gender']),
// select dropdown setup
array("How did you hear about us", 'req|text' , $_POST['frm_how']),
//letters and text validation
array("Numbers and text", 'req|alpha_digit' , $_POST['frm_numbtext']),

//custom regex setup -> add custom ALLOWED characters, if variable contains any other chars - validation will fail -> format: [^custom chars]
array("Message", 'req|custom[^A-Za-z0-9-,.\r\n!?= ]' , $_POST['frm_message'])


foreach ($validator->errors as $error)
echo $error.'<br />';



foreach ($validator->output as $line)
echo $line;




Uskoro - jos suvisnih klasa. :1045:
Samo, moracu da smislim nesto malo egzoticnije i koliko-toliko korisnije, kao predmet klase.
Da, hvala na ovom linku za bjutifajer... jes' ga ulepsao, skoro ko pravi koder da je pis'o... :1016:

30. 01. 2013., 11:35
mislim da bi bilo kul da se ovakve stvari kace i na github ili tako negde kako bi mogle da se stalno apdejtaju poslednjim verzijama. takodje su vece sanse da se neko ukaci ako mu se projekat ili gist svidi i sam posalje komentar ili ispravku

30. 01. 2013., 16:35
Ja za popunjavanje formi, volim koristiti jquery i populate


$('#nekaTamoForma').populate(<?php echo $blabla; ?>);

Gdje je $blabla formiran u kontroleru

$outputJSON = array(
"polje1" => $bla,
"polje2" => $b,
"polje3" => number_format($bla['tutu'], 2, '.', ''),
"polje4" => stripslashes($bla['huha']),
"polje5" => stripslashes($bla['josnesto']),
"polje6" => stripslashes($bla['nesto'])

$blabla = json_encode($outputJSON);

Tako ne petljam php tagove u view-u i dizajneri mogu da ga štemaju koliko hoće bez da paze na php kod.

30. 01. 2013., 22:57
Lepo, nisam znao za taj plugin.