Pogčedajte punu verziju : IE6 i IE7 sa jedne masine

04. 12. 2006., 10:45
Kako da paralelno pokrecete IE6 i IE7 sa jedne masine:
Ukoliko neko proba ovo (ili je vec to radio, posto ovo i nije, cini mi se "brand new"), bilo bi lepo da podeli to iskustvo sa ostalima. Not me, though...

Ipak (jace je od mene), dva highlighta iz gornjeg posta:
Now you can install IE7 on your main machine for development, and get all the advantages of IE7, like the RSS platform, native XMLHTTP stack, and improved security, while still running IE6 simultaneously in the VPC on the same computer. Most importantly, you don’t even have to buy an additional Windows license.
Happy testing!