Pogčedajte punu verziju : Navigacija strane

09. 12. 2007., 23:22

Iz MySQL-a PHP-om iscitavam preko 4000 upisa iz baze,
po zadatom filteru.

Kako da uradim da mi se na prvoj strani iscita odredjeni broj istih,
a da preko navigacije, npr.:

1-2-3-4......mogu pregledati ostatak,

(recimo kao na DevProTalk ili Torrent sajtovima).

Sa cim bih to mogao da odradim jednostavnije?

Zhvaljujem se unapred.

10. 12. 2007., 01:36

This class is meant to generate navigation HTML links to browse database query results split between multiple pages.

The class generates Next, Previous, Start, End and direct page jump link from a given total number of result rows and limit number of results per page parameter. The links may include given icon images.

The class also generate a SQL LIMIT clause which can be used in SQL queries to MySQL or similar databases.

The implementation of this class allows to automatically keep track of the values of any variables that are passed on the page URL (GET method).

10. 12. 2007., 16:47

hvala skinuo sam klasu