Pogčedajte punu verziju : Korisna DNS alatka?

08. 07. 2010., 20:57
Na flagfox adonsu na FF nasao sam ovu alatku intoDNS. (http://www.intodns.com)
Malo sam pretrazivao neke domene i dns podesavanja i molio bih objasnjenja za sledece pojmove:

Ovo je error:

http://www.intodns.com/static/images/error.gif Recursive Queries I could use the nameservers listed below to performe recursive queries. It may be that I am wrong but the chances of that are low. You should not have nameservers that allow recursive queries as this will allow almost anyone to use your nameservers and can cause problems. Problem record(s) are: Missing nameservers reported by parent FAIL: The following nameservers are listed at your nameservers as nameservers for your domain, but are not listed at the parent nameservers (see RFC2181 5.4.1). You need to make sure that these nameservers are working.If they are not working ok, you may have problems!
ns3.noc.bzhttp://www.intodns.com/static/images/error.gif Stealth NS records sent Stealth NS records were sent:
ns3.noc.bzOvo je upozorenje:

http://www.intodns.com/static/images/warn.gif Same Glue Looks like the A records (the GLUE) got from the parent zone check are different than the ones got from your nameservers. You have to make sure your parent server has the same NS records for your zone as you do.I detected some problems as follows:
For ns2.utpc2.com the parent reported: [''] and your nameservers reported: ['']
For ns1.utpc2.com the parent reported: [''] and your nameservers reported: ['']Primeri su pokupljeni sa razlicitih domena.
Molio bih malo pojednostavljena pojasnjenja. :)

14. 07. 2010., 11:27
Recursive Queries I could use the nameservers listed below....

Ovo znaci da name serveri koji su koristeni za te domene dozvoljavaju reverzne querije za sve moguce adrese a ne samo za te za koji su odgovorni. To znaci da ih se moze koristiti za bilo koja imena i adrese. Ja mislim da to nije velik propust jer su to, do prije 4-5 godina, dozvoljavali svi DNS serveri. Vjerovatno usled napada tipa DDOS sad to preporucuju kao ogranicenje.

Missing nameservers reported by parent FAIL:

Nisam siguran ali ovo bi trebalo da znaci da su odredjeni name server postavljeni u DNS zoni kao odgovorni za taj domen (podesavanja direkt na tvojim DNS serverima) a nisu prijavljeni u registru (onaj koji ti je registrovao domen i gdje imas podesavanja za NS odgovorne za taj domen). Znaci postoji nekonsistentnost u podacima. Popravi ili jedno ili drugo.

Stealth NS records sent Stealth NS records were sent:

ovo moze biti povezano sa prethodnim, nisam siguran..

For ns2.utpc2.com the parent reported: [''] and your nameservers reported: ['']
For ns1.utpc2.com the parent reported: [''] and your nameservers reported: ['']

Ovo mi lichi da je na registru (parent DNS) podesen IP DNS servera i da su se ta podesavanja u medjuvremenu promjenila a na registru nisu update-ovana.
Moras provjeriti da li adrese na registru odgovaraju aktuelnim adresama DNS servera.