Pogčedajte punu verziju : Pixel3k.com

15. 04. 2006., 15:57
Pohvale i kritike su dobrodosle :)


15. 04. 2006., 17:31
sve si rekao u headeru svog sajta :) prosto ,cisto i korektno

15. 04. 2006., 18:17
Fino. Steta je smao to je link postavljen zbog reklame, posto njemu ocigledno ne treba kritika.

15. 04. 2006., 18:19
Iako imam jednu kritiku, trebao je biti centralno pozicioniran-lepse bi izgledalo...

15. 04. 2006., 18:26
zasto bi se reklamirao na forumu gde svi ljudi rade to sto on prodaje

15. 04. 2006., 18:52
Srpska verzija:

Be it a web sajt dizajn, a logo dizajn or an interactive CD-ROM, Pixel3k will provide you with innovative...

By sticking with us for all of your creative needs, you'll establish a consistent look
but then, it's
Originally, I intended this site to be where I could write about and store web dizajn-related articles,

This separation of dizajn and content makes developers and designers alike very, very happy, provides a set of standards (finally) that the web can adhere to, and instead of creating multiple versions of one web sajta, I now only need to create one.
...umm!? :)

We will take your image from stale to stellar he, he "Dalle stalle alle stelle"! erm, mozda sam ja negde sad omanuo pravopis :) ... you mean "from rags to riches"?

i like the name :), PixelTrik / Pixel3000

16. 04. 2006., 00:42
Valja poboljsati navigaciju. Naznaciti korisniku gde se nalazi. Trenutna opcija druga boja, a ostale opcije ista ... etc. Sitnica, ali ...