vB Code | |
vB code is a set of tags based on the HTML language that you may already be familiar with.
They allow you to add formatting to your messages in the same way as HTML does,
but have a simpler syntax and will never break the layout of the pages you are viewing.
The ability to use vB Code is set on a forum-by-forum basis by the administrator,
so you should check the forum rules when you post a new message. Below is a list of the vB Codes you can use to format your messages. |
vB Code List | |
[b], [i], [u] | Bold / Italic / Underline |
[color] | Color |
[size] | Size |
[font] | Font |
[highlight] | Highlight |
[left], [right], [center] | Left / Right / Center |
[indent] | Indent |
[email] | Email Linking |
[url] | URL Hyperlinking |
[thread] | Thread Linking |
[post] | Post Linking |
[list] | Bulleted Lists / Advanced Lists |
[img] | Images |
[code] | Kôd |
[php] | PHP kôd |
[html] | HTML kôd |
[quote] | Citat |
[noparse] | Stop vB Code Parsing |
[attach] | Prilog |
[cssvalidator] | Css validacija |
[edit] | Edit - izmenjena poruka |
[google] | Google search |
[htmlvalidate] | Markup Validation Service W3C |
[iyoutube] | YouTube embeded video |
[mod] | Moderator note |
[note] | Napomena |
[offtopic] | offtopic |
[phpman] | PHP Manual link |
[spoiler] | Spoiler tag |
[srwiki] | Wikipedia на српском |
[term] | Terminal |
[warn] | Warning |
[wiki] | Wikipedia |
[yahoo] | Yahoo search |
[youtube] | YouTube video link |
Incorrect vB Code Usage:
Color | |
The [color] tag allows you to change the color of your text. | |
Usage | [color=Opcija]value[/color] |
Example Usage | [color=blue]this text is blue[/color] |
Example Output | this text is blue |
Indent | |
The [indent] tag allows you to indent your text. | |
Usage | [indent]value[/indent] |
Example Usage | [indent]this text is indented[/indent] |
Example Output |
Email Linking | |
The [email] tag allows you to link to an email address. You can include an optional parameter to 'name' your link. | |
Usage |
[email]value[/email] [email=Opcija]value[/email] |
Example Usage |
[email]myname@domain.com[/email] [email=myname@domain.com]Click Here to Email Me[/email] |
Example Output |
myname@domain.com Click Here to Email Me |
URL Hyperlinking | |
The [url] tag allows you to link to other websites and files. You can include an optional parameter to 'name' your link. | |
Usage |
[url]value[/url] [url=Opcija]value[/url] |
Example Usage |
[url]http://www.devprotalk.com[/url] [url=http://www.devprotalk.com]DevProTalk[/url] |
Example Output |
http://www.devprotalk.com DevProTalk |
Thread Linking | |
The [thread] tag allows you to link to threads by specifying the thread id. You can include an optional parameter to 'name' your link. | |
Usage |
[thread]threadid[/thread] [thread=threadid]value[/thread] |
Example Usage |
[thread]42918[/thread] [thread=42918]Click Me![/thread] (Note: The threadid/postid is just an example and may not link to a valid thread/post.) |
Example Output |
http://www.devprotalk.com/showthread.php?t=42918 Click Me! |
Post Linking | |
The [post] tag allows you to link to posts by specifying the post id. You can include an optional parameter to 'name' your link. | |
Usage |
[post]postid[/post] [post=postid]value[/post] |
Example Usage |
[post]269302[/post] [post=269302]Click Me![/post] (Note: The threadid/postid is just an example and may not link to a valid thread/post.) |
Example Output |
http://www.devprotalk.com/showthread.php?p=269302#post269302 Click Me! |
Advanced Lists | |
The [list] tag allows you to create advanced lists by specifying an option. The option should have a value of 1 (for a numbered list) or A (for an alphabetic with capital letters list) or a (for an alphabetic with lowercase letters list) or I (for a numbered with capital Roman numeral list) or i (for a numbered with small Roman numeral list). | |
Usage | [list=Opcija]value[/list] |
Example Usage | [list=1] [*]list item 1 [*]list item 2 [/list] [list=a] [*]list item 1 [*]list item 2 [/list] |
Example Output |
Stop vB Code Parsing | |
The [noparse] tag allows you to stop the parsing of vB Code. | |
Usage | [noparse][b]value[/b][/noparse] |
Example Usage | [noparse][b]vBulletin[/b][/noparse] |
Example Output | [b]vBulletin[/b] |
Prilog | |
The [attach] tag allows you to display an attachment in your post rather than at the bottom. It will only display attachments that belong to the post in which it is utilized. | |
Usage | [attach]attachmentid[/attach] |
Example Usage | [attach]12345[/attach] |
Example Output |
Css validacija | |
W3C CSS Validation Service | |
Usage | [cssvalidator]value[/cssvalidator] |
Example Usage | [cssvalidator]http://www.devprotalk.com[/cssvalidator] |
Example Output | W3C CSS Validator Results for: http://www.devprotalk.com |
Edit - izmenjena poruka | |
Za izmene posta, ako želite da se vidi šta je dodato naknadno, možete da koristite EDIT tag | |
Usage | [edit=Opcija]value[/edit] |
Example Usage | [edit="user"]Tekst koji je dodat naknadno[/edit] |
Example Output | Izmena (user): Tekst koji je dodat naknadno |
Google search | |
Execute google search | |
Usage | [google]value[/google] |
Example Usage | [google]search string[/google] |
Example Output | Search Google: search string |
Markup Validation Service W3C | |
Execute Markup Validation Service | |
Usage | [htmlvalidate]value[/htmlvalidate] |
Example Usage | [htmlvalidate]www.google.com[/htmlvalidate] |
Example Output | W3C Markup Validator Results for: www.google.com |
YouTube embeded video | |
Embed youtube video | |
Usage | [iyoutube]value[/iyoutube] |
Example Usage | [iyoutube]video_filel[/iyoutube] |
Example Output |
Moderator note | |
Moderator note | |
Usage | [mod=Opcija]value[/mod] |
Example Usage | [mod="Moderator"]a note[/mod] |
Example Output | note by Moderator: a note |
Napomena | |
Važne napomene | |
Usage | [note]value[/note] |
Example Usage | [note]Vrlo važno[/note] |
Example Output | Napomena: Vrlo važno |
offtopic | |
Ako želite da kažete nešto "važno" a nema veze sa trenutnom temom, probajte da označite tekst sa offtopic | |
Usage | [offtopic]value[/offtopic] |
Example Usage | [offtopic]Nešto nevezano za temu[/offtopic] |
Example Output | Off Topic: Nešto nevezano za temu |
PHP Manual link | |
Kreira se link do PHP manual za funkciju navedenu u tagu | |
Usage | [phpman]value[/phpman] |
Example Usage | [PHPMAN]addslashes[/PHPMAN] |
Example Output | PHP manual: addslashes |
Spoiler tag | |
Tekst koji se nalazi u SPOILER tagu je pocetno sakriven (display:none) tek klik na taj tag prikazuje sadrzaj. | |
Usage | [spoiler]value[/spoiler] |
Example Usage | [SPOILER]Ovde ide neki tekst koji je inicijalno sakriven[/SPOILER] |
Example Output |
Wikipedia на српском | |
Претраживање Wikipedia.org на српском | |
Usage | [srwiki]value[/srwiki] |
Example Usage | [srwiki]tekst[/srwiki] |
Example Output | Wikipedia (српски): tekst |
Terminal | |
Terminal like output | |
Usage | [term]value[/term] |
Example Usage | [term]mysql> select count(*) from users[/term] |
Example Output | mysql> select count(*) from users |
Warning | |
Važna upozorenja u porukama | |
Usage | [warn]value[/warn] |
Example Usage | [warn]Obrati posebnu pažnju[/warn] |
Example Output | Upozorenje: Obrati posebnu pažnju |
Wikipedia | |
Search wikipedia | |
Usage | [wiki]value[/wiki] |
Example Usage | [wiki]search text[/wiki] |
Example Output | Wikipedia: search text |
Yahoo search | |
Execute Yahoo search | |
Usage | [yahoo]value[/yahoo] |
Example Usage | [yahoo]search string[/yahoo] |
Example Output | Search Yahoo!: search string |
YouTube video link | |
Display link to YouTube video | |
Usage | [youtube=Opcija]value[/youtube] |
Example Usage | [youtube="video_file"]title[/youtube] |
Example Output | ![]() |