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Bojan Zivanovic 06. 10. 2008. 21:32

Nigerian scams - now in Serbia!

I would like to open communication with you for mutual cooperation and benefits, my name is Mr. Pierre Dieu a Belgian national and Security & Investment Director with the Société Générale Srbija [Société Générale Bank Serbia] in Belgrade.

I was privileged to meet Mr. Radovan Karadzic in 1999 when he visited Bank and deposited the sum of Twenty-four Million, Two hundred and Twenty-seven and One hundred and ninety-seven Dinars (YUM24,227,197.0) in Escrow/Call Account with my bank, the beneficiary was late Mr. Slobodan Milosevic.

Since then my bank never had any contact with the depositor obviously because of his Political misfortunes and the beneficiary too had his own problems which of course ended sadly in the Hague, Netherlands.

Unfortunately, apart from Mr.Milosevic no other Beneficiary/Next of kin for this deposit due to what he( the depositor) called personal reasons.

As it stand now, there's nobody to claim the fund from either the depositor's side nor the #1 beneficiary since the deposit was done confidentially then but
there's a blank column for #2 beneficiary which I want to use your names on so that we can move the deposit to another Societe Generale Bank outside Europe from thence we can easily transfer the funds to a safe account anywhere in the World. Once we successfully transferred the money, I'll resign my job at the bank and meet you to take my share and move on with my career on a higher level to establish my own business.

I am in charge of the files and I have planned a legal means of withdrawing the deposit successfully which I'll detail you as we proceed.

If I receive you acceptance reply, I'll inform you of the particular information which i'll need to start the internal changes within the bank's system network to include you as the Beneficiary/next of Kin #2 since that column is blank. What I need from you now is the assurance that you will not betray my trust in you when the fund is transferred to your account because I am staking my career which I've built for over 20 years now for the transaction.

please send me your private Phone/Fax/email contacts so that we can further discussions conveniently. I propose we share
the fund 50/50% once transfer is confirmed into your bank account. If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact now on phone +233-277-191-044 OR E-mail:

Your swift attention and reply will be appreciated. P. S. this transaction is 100% risk free/guaranteed.

Sincerely Yours,

Pierre G. H. Dieu
Simpaticno ;)

mangia 07. 10. 2008. 18:42

Sjecam se jednog lika koji je isao do kraja sa njima dok ih nije pohvatao... Tacnije jednog od njih...

Bila je na netu prepiska i trajala je danima prije nego je kreten poslao svoju fotku...

Dušan Dželebdžić 07. 10. 2008. 18:56

... nešto kao

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