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Dušan Dželebdžić 25. 11. 2006. 10:27

If - Then
Sa Sezama

Vicevi, Esnafski.795, maksa
(8.795) Cet 26/10/2006 17:58, 190 chr
:: if then
Salje zena muza programera u prodavnicu i kaze mu:
- Idi mi kupi margarin, a ako ima jaja kupi 10 komada.
Vraca se programer iz prodavnice i nosi 10 margarina...
- Zeno, imali su jaja...
------------------------------------------------- 8.795 --

dinke 25. 11. 2006. 10:57

Star, ali dobar :)

Dzordz 25. 11. 2006. 12:30


sirNemanjapro 25. 11. 2006. 13:25

prava petlja nema sta

oliver 25. 11. 2006. 13:44

what's the diffrence between a professinal programmer and a wannabe one ?

the wannabe one thinks that a kilobyte has 1000 bytes and the professional thinks that a kilometre has 1024 meters.


sirNemanjapro 25. 11. 2006. 14:37

- 640K ought to be enough for anybody. (Bill Gates, 1981)
- A computer without Windows is like a fish without a bicycle.
- Air Conditioned Environment - Do not open Windows!
- ...and remember: WWW does not stand for "World Wide Windows"
- Apples have been a problem ever since Eden.
- Back in the mid to late 80's, an IBM compatible computer wasn't considered a hundred percent compatible unless it Bang on the left side of your computer to restart Windows.
- Best file compression around: DEL *.* - 100% compressed.
- Best way to accelerate Windows? Throw it harder...!
- "Bother," said Poo, and deleted Windows.
- But why spend $2,000.00 just to run Windows?
- Buy Stacker? Why not just delete Windows?!
- Congratulations Windows 95
- Customer: "I'm running Windows '95." Tech Support: "Yes." Customer: "My computer isn't working now." Tech Support: "Yes, you said that."
- Difference between a virus and Windows? Viruses never fail.
- Does Microsoft mean small and limp?
- Double your drive space! Delete Windows!
- Error #152 - Windows not found:(C)heer (P)arty (D)ance.
- Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I!
- Hiroshima '45 - Tschernobyl '86 - Windows '95
- How do you want to crash today?
- I can't use Windows. My cat ate my mouse.
- I put BUGS=OFF in CONFIG.SYS and now Windows won't load!
- I'll never forget the first time I ran Windows, but I'm trying.
- I've been known to scrub toilets, but I don't do Windows.
- if (2.0 = = 1.999999963) printf("Pentium inside!\n");
- If you go to the computer store to buy a mousepad, you don't have to specify whether it's for a Windows or a Macintosh.
- It's not a virus... it's just Windows 95.
- Microsoft is not the answer, it's the question and the answer is NO.
- Microsoft Windows - Who Do You Have To Blow Today?
- My lastest screen-saver: Curtains for Windows.
- P200 + Windows '95 = Maserati with the parking brake on.
- People who think MS-DOS and Windows are the slickest thing since sliced butter should be forced to wear a sign stating "This mind intentionally left blank".
- Prepare to destroy the Borg! Ensign, upload Windows!
- Some call it Windows, others the longest batch file of the world.
- Speed Kills. Use Microsoft Windows.
- The best way to accelerate a PC is at 9.8 m/s^2.
- The Magic of Windows: Turns a Pentium into an XT.
- The number of the beast is not 666. The number is 95, and he is awake!
- This room is air-conditioned and the SUN is shining the NeXT days -- so don't open Windows(tm).
- This Virus requires Microsoft Windows...
- Turn your Pentium into a Gameboy: Type WIN at C:\>
- Walk through doors, don't crawl through Windows.
- Welcome to hell - here's your copy of Windows.
- Windows 95, brings the power of yesterday computers today.
- Windows: A 80486 to 80286 conversion kit.
- Windows and DOS: A turtle and its shell.
- Windows IS NOT a virus... viruses do something.
- Windows NT: Insert wallet into Drive A: and press any key to empty.
- Windows - the 8MB Solitaire game!
- Windows: The colorful clown suit for DOS.
- With Windows 3.11, we were on the edge of the cliff. With Windows 95, we made a big step forward.
- You need the computing power of a P5, 16 MB RAM and 1 GB Harddisk to run Win95. It took the computing power of 3 Commodore 64 to fly to the Moon. Something is wrong here, and it wasn't the Apollo.
- Your mouse has moved. Windows has to reboot for changes to take effect.

zark0vac 25. 11. 2006. 17:06


- Your mouse has moved. Windows has to reboot for changes to take effect.
- With Windows 3.11, we were on the edge of the cliff. With Windows 95, we made a big step forward.

Nemanja Avramović 22. 04. 2007. 23:16

Ili ono:

Q: Koja je planina osam puta veća od Velebita?
A: Velebajt.

drdrksa 25. 04. 2007. 18:30

Q: Why do programmers always get Christmas and Halloween mixed up?

A: Because DEC 25 = OCT 31

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