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ITDK 13. 02. 2012. 09:44

Senior Reverse Engineer and Vulnerability Researcher
Founded in 2002, Secunia is the leading provider of IT security solutions that help businesses and private individuals globally manage and control vulnerability threats and risks across their networks and endpoints. More than 100 “Secunians” representing over 22 nationalities are located at the Copenhagen headquarters, working in Sales, Research, Development, Marketing, and Business Administration. Secunia's proven, complementary portfolio aids businesses in their handling of complex IT security risks and compliance requirements across industries and sectors - a key component in corporate risk management assessment, strategy, and implementation. Secunia plays an important role in the IT security ecosystem, and is the preferred supplier for enterprises and government agencies worldwide, counting Fortune 500 and Global 2000 businesses among its customer base.

Secunia is on a mission to help businesses and private users manage and eliminate the threat of unpatched vulnerable software. Through a passion for what we do and where we want to go, Secunia always strives to deliver the best possible products, research, and intelligence. Secunia's Software Inspector solutions are currently second to none. They are unique in accuracy, performance, and coverage - they must continue to stay that way. This can only be achieved by continuous development, innovation, and improvement of the functionalities and features of the solutions.

As part of our continued hyper-growth and expansion in 2011, Secunia is seeking skilled and dedicated employees.We are currently looking for:

Senior Reverse Engineer and Vulnerability Researcher

- for a fast growing global IT security company -

based in Copenhagen, Denmark

Do you have a passion for disassembling and reverse engineering? Do you love pulling apart programs to hunt for vulnerabilities? Do you enjoy the sweet success of creating exploits for these vulnerabilities and seeing them work perfectly? If so, then you now have the chance to do all of this full-time and even get paid for it!

If you have the necessary experience and competencies, you have a unique opportunity to join our highly successful Secunia Research team as a Senior Reverse Engineer and Vulnerability Researcher. You will become part of a world-renowned team of highly skilled security researchers, who are all happy to share their knowledge and experience about vulnerabilities, exploitation, and programming. At Secunia we always strive to be the best, and expect nothing less from you.


•Analysing, exploiting, and documenting the core problems of specific critical vulnerabilities using your favourite debugger, IDA Pro, and BinDiff
•Researching new vulnerabilities in high-profile products


•Highly skilled in the art of reverse engineering and "speak" both assembly, C, and C++ like a second language
•Thorough understanding of compiler specifics, operating system concepts, security models, and the causes of most vulnerabilities and how to exploit them
•Preferably, you have coded and disassembled software on both Windows and Linux or other *BSD and Unix variants
•An ability to communicate fluently in English (verbally and written). Danish is not a mandatory requirement
•Passionate about the quality of your work

As the corporate language is English, you are required to be fluent both orally and in writing. You must also have a clean criminal record as Secunia regularly handles highly sensitive information for customers and vendors.

All employees work at our exclusive offices in the heart of Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. You will be offered a relocation compensation package and Secunia will naturally also assist in obtaining a work permit and finding proper accommodation.

To apply for this position, please send us your updated CV and a motivation letter explaining your qualifications and experience by 27.02.2012.

Please apply here

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