Koliko sam razumeo, po defaultu C++ standard regex (iplementacija uzeta od Boost-a) koristi ECMAScript "gramatiku", to je valjda nesto slicno Perl-u?
C++ TR1 regular expression flavor
The C++ TR1 regular expressions can follow the syntax of several regular expression environments depending on the optional flags sent to the regular expression class constructor. The six options given in the Microsoft implementation are as follows.
The default for the Microsoft implementation is ECMAScript, matching the regular expression syntax of the ECMAScript (JavaScript) language, which is very similar to that in Perl 5.
The choice of flavors is extensible and implementation-specific. For example, the Boost implementation adds perl as an option, which presumably follows Perl 5 syntax more closely than the ECMASCript option does.
For someone familiar with regular expressions the difficulty in using regular expressions in C++ TR1 is not in the syntax of regular expressions themselves, but rather in using regular expressions to do work.
E sad ovi "flagovi" mogu da se menjaju ako postavim neki drugi kao paramatar u konstruktoru regex-a, samo ne znam da li ce biti neke razlike posto sam negde procitao da ovaj ECMAScript sadrzi sve sto i ostali.