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Staro 26. 01. 2007.   #1
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Datum učlanjenja: 26.01.2007
Poruke: 4
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djoxy is on a distinguished road
Thumbs up Cold Fusion programer wanted!

Pozdrav drugari programeri. Ovo je moj prvi post na ovom forumu. Ja sam dizajner. Imam jednog visemesecnog klijenta sa kojim imam odlicnu saradnju. Oni su bazirani u UK. Pitali su me ako mogu da potrazim nekog Cold Fusion programera da im odradi nesto na sajtu. Da ne davim vise evo originalnog teksta (naravno znanje engleskog jezika je nephodno zbog komunikacije sa klijentom):

Photo Gallery Web Site - Coldfusion and SQL Server


A plug-in system is required to integrate the mobile messaging service provided by itagg (www.itagg.com - they have good developer documentation) into a section of a Web site.

The code should be able to collect images, video and text from the itagg system and provide user and administrator tools to create and modify galleries of these pictures and video on our web site.

What's required:

1) A web service or .cfm page to collect and store images and texts from the itagg system in a local database.

2) An administrator page to allow the moderation and approval/removal of content

3) A user registration / login page to let the end-user sign in and create galleries of their content along with some text for profiles / what the
gallery is about.

4) A page for the general viewing / browsing of this content by anyone (e.g.
www.treemo.com/users/justplainjen/channel/ )

Coding language and details:

The code should be written in ColdFusion, and output should be fully xhtml/css compliant.

Galleries should be produced in a minimalist way with floating div elements and semantic xhtml to allow its use on a variety of devices.

ColdFusion components (.cfcs) are required for the back-end functionality as we require the system to be portable.

Many thanks!
Svi zainteresovani javite se direktno klijentu na email adresu: nealslateford@hotmail.com (Neal Slateford)

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