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Staro 03. 08. 2007.   #1
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SWFFix ver0.2a download

ovo ce postati standard integracije buduci da su svi ljudi koji su pravili neke verzije za js integraciju flasha u html ukljuceni

zanimljiva analiza i nije lose procitati iako je vec vecini poznato

What are the risks of using SWFFix?
When using embed option 1

Users that have JavaScript disabled or have browsers that don't support JavaScript at all or not well enough may face a degraded user experience caused by active content or in the worst case, broken Flash content. Let's calculate the odds:

* 4% of all web users have no JavaScript support or have JavaScript disabled (source: thecounter.com [ http://www.thecounter.com/stats/2007/June/javas.php ]). When you consider that IE6, IE7 and Opera have a market share of around 80% [ http://www.thecounter.com/stats/2007/June/browser.php ], you can do the math that there is a risk of 3.2% (4% of 80%) on a degraded user experience (having to click to activate active content).
* When you publish your Flash content for Flash player version 8 and a user has Flash Player 6 installed, there is a 0.2% (around 5% version gap of 4% no JavaScript) chance on broken or no content at all. When you publish your Flash content for Flash player version 8 and a user has Flash Player 7 installed this chance is already reduced to 0.1% (source: Adobe [ http://www.adobe.com/products/player...netration.html ]).

Please note that although this approach still has its risks, the odds will be equal or lower than any other Flash embed method available.
When using embed option 2

Users that have JavaScript disabled or have browsers that don't support JavaScript at all, will never be able to see any Flash content at all (regardless whether the latest Flash player is installed or not), however they will see alternative content instead. The odds:

* 4% of all web users have no JavaScript support or have JavaScript disabled (source: thecounter.com [ http://www.thecounter.com/stats/2007/June/javas.php ]).

Poslednja izmena od MrSteel : 03. 08. 2007. u 19:29.
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