A zasto ne bi? Jes li video XHTML 2 draft (ja jesam)? Nije kompatibilan sa XHTML 1.1 unazad, stariji browseri nece uopste moci da ga koriste!!!
Primer - mozes pisati <img
href="strana1.htm" src="slika.jpg" style="border:0;height:100px;width:100px" alt="blablabla" /> i to je
link zbog href ili <span href="stranica.htm">Link</span> sto je opet link! A tag je zastareo u XHTML2 a stariji browseri sa novim markupom nece moci da se izbore uopste!!! Workaround je da se koristi A tag u XHTML 2. Uz takve standarde, sto bi uopste menjao markup? Nisu trebali ni target atribut da izbace iz Strict HTML4/XHTML1/XHTML1.1 ako mene pitas. Za tim nije bilo potrebe.
Evo, lepo pise:
13.1. Hypertext Attribute Collection
This attribute specifies a URI that is actuated when the element is activated.
Actuation occurs as the default action of a [DOM] DOMActivate event for the element on which the attribute occurs (for instance as the result of the user clicking on the associated element).
<abbr href="http://www.w3.org/" title="World Wide Web">WWW</abbr>
<li href="contents.xhtml">contents</li>
<a href="http://www.cwi.nl/~steven/amsterdam.html">Amsterdam</a>
<quote href="hamlet.xhtml#p2435">To be or not to be</quote>
<var href="#index_ninc">ninc</var>