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Staro 01. 08. 2008.   #7
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Datum učlanjenja: 16.06.2005
Lokacija: Novi Sad
Poruke: 1.437
Hvala: 37
131 "Hvala" u 82 poruka
MorenoArdohain će postati "faca" uskoroMorenoArdohain će postati "faca" uskoro

Prema Zeus sajtu, postoji podrska za .htaccess, naveli su jedan primer:

If you get '501 Not Implemented' errors when trying to access these scripts, it is possible that the files are still not being treated as CGIs. In this case also add an .htaccess file into the scripts directory containing the line:

addtype application/x-httpd-cgi exe
Tako da bi slicno trebalo da radi i za css.
Năo quero mais seguir um só caminho
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