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Staro 02. 09. 2008.   #4
I'm a PC too.
Wrote a book
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Originalno napisao Ilija Studen Pogledajte poruku
Browser koji je napravljen tako da je svaki tab "sandboxed" i ne utiče direktno na ostale aplikacije je nešto novo za browsere.
Ovo ti omogućava da nestabilna aplikacija (kao što GMail bio jedno vreme) ne utiče loše na ostale aplikacije koje koristiš / sajtove koje posećuješ.
Ovaj, IE8 ima nešto takvo od samog početka.


The IE Process Model

Part of what we’ve done with LCIE is to split the frame from the tabs, and allow them to function more autonomously.


1. Tabs are isolated from the frame, and are located in separate processes

This gives IE the opportunity to isolate many failures to the tab process, thereby reducing the amount of damage done to the rest of your browsing session.

2. The frame and the broker object are located in the same process

This is a win for startup performance. The broker object is responsible for examining a URL, and determining if it should be loaded under Protected Mode or not, and launching IE at the appropriate integrity level. We no longer have to wait for the protected mode broker object’s process to startup before loading the rest of the browser.

3. Low and Medium integrity tabs can reside in the same UI frame

The Windows Integrity Mechanism operates on a per-process basis. Now that we can place tabs into their own processes, we can turn Protected Mode on or off on a per-tab basis. This is a big usability improvement. You no longer need separate browser windows to view sites in and out of protected mode.
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