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Staro 01. 02. 2009.   #3
Vladimir Aleksić
Datum učlanjenja: 10.07.2006
Poruke: 93
Hvala: 0
13 "Hvala" u 11 poruka
valeksic is on a distinguished road

A da vidimo kako to rade veći i stariji (i lepši) ccTLD registri

Kada sam za prošlu skupštinu RNIDS spremao predlog za ukidanje obaveze dostavljanja dokumentacije, na brzinu sam izvukao primere nekoliko ccTLD registara (.eu, .at, .ch, .de, .uk, .cz, .be, .cn, .us, .lv, .in, .me) koji rade po principu registracije domena bez dodatne provere i brisanja istog ako se ispostavi da je neko od pravila prekršeno (netačni podaci, registrant nije građanin/firma iz te zemlje...). Ono što je kod domena mnogo interesantnije je arbitraža. Pokazalo se da u registrima koji ne zahtevaju dodatnu proveru i arbitraža funkcioniše bez problema.

Neki od registara zahtevaju dopise prilikom promene vlasnika domena ili registrara, kod brisanja domena, što je slučaj i kod .rs registra i to je ispravno.

Iz pravilnika navedenih registara se jasno može videti da vlasnik (registrant) domena snosi svu odgovornost prilikom davanja podataka i da registar može obrisati njegov domen ako podaci koje je dostavio nisu ispravni. Slično je regulisano i u Opštim uslovima registracije .rs domena:

Podaci o registraciji .rs domena
Član 7.
(1) Registrant je, prilikom podnošenja zahteva za registraciju .rs domena, dužan da pruži tačne, potpune i važeće podatke o registraciji .rs domena.

(6) Ako se neki od podataka o registraciji .rs domena promeni, registrant je dužan da odmah, a najkasnije u roku od 15 dana od dana nastanka promene,
posredstvom ovlašćenog registra, podnese RNIDS, zahtev za promenu podataka .rs domena.

Prestanak registracije .rs domena
Član 17.
(1) Registracija .rs domena može da prestane ako:

• RNIDS utvrdi da je registrant u zahtevu za registraciju .rs domena naveo netačne ili nepotpune podatke o registraciji .rs domena, ili nije blagovremeno prijavio promenu podataka o registraciji .rs domena, osim ako su neispravni ili nepotpuni podaci posledica očigledne greške;

• nije moguće uspostaviti kontakt sa registrantom, odnosno administrativnim kontaktom za .rs domen, u periodu od 45 dana od dana prvog pokušaja uspostavljanja kontakta od strane RNIDS, ili ako registrant, napuštajući svoje prebivalište tj. sedište u Srbiji, ne navede za administrativni kontakt lice koje ima prebivalište tj. sedište u Srbiji;

* *

Uvek se prvo hvatam za .eu domen. Prešli su 3.000.000 registrovanih domena. Šta reći kad Evropska komisija, koja je "mama" birokratija, nije predvidela dostavljanje dokumentacije za .eu domen. Sistem funkcioniše. U nastavku ćete videti i primere gde su brisali problematične domene. Podaci su iz decembra 2008.

* * *



Broj registrovanih domena: 2 970 355

EURID od registantana .eu domena ne zahteva dostavljanje dokumentacije
prilikom registracije domena.

Jedina dokumentacija koju EURid zahteva je kod promena registrara ili
vlasnika (registranta domena):

Trade and Transfer Confirmation Templates
Do you want to confirm a trade or transfer by fax? Select the
appropriate template, in Word format, below.
You are trading a domain name as the current domain name holder.
You are involved in a trade as the future domain name holder.
You are transferring your domain name to a new registrar.

Vlasnik domena je dužan da pruži tačne podatke:

.eu Domain Name Registration Terms and Conditions


Throughout the Term, the Registrant has the following obligations:
1. to keep its contact information, as referred to in the Registration Policy,
accurate, complete and up to date,

.eu Domain Name Registration Policy



The Registry is entitled to reject a request for Domain Name registration or to
revoke a Domain Name for which the Registrant has provided incomplete or
inaccurate information.

I pored liberalne procedure za registraciju EURid nije posustao u
kontroli pravila registracije .eu domana:

Suspendovano 74.000 imena ".eu domena"

Organizacija EURid protiv lažnih "matičara"

10,000 .eu names suspended amid cybersquatter allegation


EURid Blocks 10K Buycool.com/Zheng .eu Domains



Arbitraža takođe funkcioniše bez problema, što se vidi iz broja
rešenih slučajeva:



.at domen


Broj registrovanih domena: 795.525


No legal check in case of a registration
If a new domain is registered, nic.at does not check whether rights
have been violated. Otherwise the delegation would take weeks or even
months. As a consequence, the verification whether rights are violated
is the duty of the domain holder. If a domain name violates your
rights to a name or trademark right, please contact the nic.at legal
1.3. Domain Holder
The domain holder's data as well as the e-mail address shall
constantly be kept up-to-date.
If these conditions are not met or if only one precondition ceases
afterwards, nic.at may deny or revoke the delegation of the domain.


What can be done in case of legal disputes regarding .at-domains?
If the dispute cannot be solved between the parties, you can always
choose legal action at a court.
Is there a arbitration procedure for .at Domains?
No. The Arbitration Office for .at Domains was closed on October 31st, 2008.




Broj registrovanih domena: 1 198 105

General Terms and Conditions (GTC) for the registration and
administration of domain names under the domain ".ch" and ".li"



SWITCH does not carry out a check on the holder's entitlement to
register and use the domain name, and accepts no responsibility in
that respect through the registration and administration of the domain
name for the holder.
In respect of SWITCH, the holder entered in the database is considered
legally responsible for and entitled to the use of the domain name.
Duty of data maintenance
The holder is responsible for ensuring that all the data of domain
names registered for the holder and recorded by SWITCH in the
database, in particular the data of the contact persons, are kept
up-to-date, complete and correct for the entire term of registration.
For SWITCH, only the respective data registered in its database are
authoritative. SWITCH is not obliged to take note of data communicated
other than via the SWITCH website or interface or to itself conduct
research into the accuracy of these data.
If the data prove to be incomplete, inaccurate or not up-to-date,
particularly with regard to references to a third party, and if as a
result the identity of the holder can be determined only at
disproportionate time and effort or if messages to the holder and/or
the billing contact are undeliverable, SWITCH is entitled to revoke
this holder's domain name.



.de domen


Broj registrovanih domena: 12 427 558

What consequences will it have for me if I supply inaccurate data when
ordering a domain?

When you order a domain, you are required to ensure that the correct
and complete data is given for the domain holder and any other named
contacts. If you fail to do that, such as by indicating an irrelevant
address or a false name, you run the risk of losing the domain later
on. Wrong data gives DENIC the right to terminate the Domain Contract
without giving you any notice beforehand. Be warned that it is a right
that DENIC does not hesitate to use.


DENIC Domain Terms and Conditions

§ 3 Duties of the Domain Holder

) In submitting the application for registration of a domain, the
Domain Holder shall give an assurance that the data pertaining to
him/her contained therein is correct and that he/she is entitled to
register and/or use the domain and, in particular, that the
registration and intended use of the domain does not infringe anybody
else's rights nor break any law. If the Domain Holder is not domiciled
in Germany, he/she shall be required to appoint an Administrative
Contact domiciled in Germany. This Administrative Contact shall also
be the Domain Holder's authorized representative for receiving the
service of official or court documents for the purposes of §§ 174 ff.
of the German Code of Civil Procedure.

§ 7 Termination
(2) It shall only be permitted for DENIC to terminate the contract on
substantial grounds. These grounds shall include, in particular, any
case in which
f) or the data of the Domain Holder or the Administrative Contact
submitted to DENIC is incorrect;
g) or it is impossible to establish the identity of the Domain Holder
or the Administrative Contact from the data submitted;
h) or the Domain Holder not being domiciled in Germany, the service
of a document on the Administrative Contact instigated by a third
party fails at two consecutive attempts;

DENIC Domain Guidelines






Broj registrovanih domena: 7 142 220 (septembar 2008)

Sem što ne traži dokumentaciju prilikom registracije domena, Britanski
registar – Nominet je pravi primer liberalnih pravila.

Second Level Domains
The uk top level domain code is separated into a number of second
level domains, abbreviated to SLDs. People are encouraged to register
a domain name within the SLD that corresponds to their type of

The second level domains that we manage are:
co.uk for commercial enterprises (the largest SLD in the UK)
me.uk for personal domains
org.uk for non-commercial organisations
ltd.uk and plc.uk for registered company names only
net.uk for Internet Service Providers
sch.uk for schools

Nominet "ohrabruje" registrante da poddomene u okviru .uk domena
registruju u skladu sa namenom, ali ih nikako ne primoravaju.

4.4 We do not impose restrictions on your status as applicant for the
registration of a Domain Name in the following SLDs ("Open SLDs"):
4.4.1 .co.uk; or
4.4.2 .org.uk.
n the SLD Charter of the SLD Rules for the Open SLDs we do set out
certain intentions regarding the class of applicant or use of
registrations of the Domain Name which we assume you will comply with
when applying for a registration of a Domain Name within an Open SLD.
However, we do not forbid applications, and will take no action in
respect of registrations that do not comply with the SLD Charters. We
may request certain information from you regarding your legal identity
when you make an application for or seek to amend the registration of
a Domain Name in the Open SLDs.

Terms and Conditions of Domain Name Registration

What you must do
4 You have various responsibilities set out generally in this
contract. You must also:
give and keep us notified of your correct name, postal address and any
phone, fax or e-mail information and those of your contacts (if you
appoint any, see condition 5.2). This duty includes responding
quickly and correctly to any request from us to confirm or correct the
information on the register;

Your promises and indemnity
7 By entering into this contract you promise that:
7.1 you (or your agent) have the permission of any person whose
personal data is to be held on the register in line with condition 11;
7.2 any identity and contact information you (either yourself or
through your agent) send us must be correct;
7.3 you will send us the information needed under condition 7.2 as
soon as possible, through your agent if possible, and you will keep
them up to date;

Cancelling or altering the domain name
16 We may cancel or put the domain name into a special status by
notifying you if:
16.1 we receive independent proof that you have provided significantly
inaccurate, not correct, unreliable or false contact details
(including names), failed to keep your contact details up to date, or
failed to give us those details at all;
17.2 if we reasonably believe that the contact details on the register
for you are so inaccurate or false that we would not be able to notify
you of the change;




Broj registrovanih domena: 494 834

Rules of Domain Names Registration under ccTLD .cz


11.2. A person submitting an application for the registration of a
Domain Name, Holder or Contact, or an
application for changing data pertaining to a Domain Name, Holder or Contact

11.2.2. is liable for the correctness of all data specified in the
registration application
pertaining to persons mentioned in such an application, and declares
that these are
not cover names, that such a person has obtained consent from all persons whose
personal data are to be recorded in the Central Register on the basis of the
application, and undertakes to obtain such consent in the event of any
changes of
such persons or data pertaining to such persons.
11.2.3. is obliged to report any changes of the data submitted to the
CZ.NIC association
through the mediation of the Registrar without any undue delay.
11.4. CZ.NIC is entitled to call on the Holder, or the person
concerned, to provide any information essential
for the identification of these persons, especially date of birth and
identification numbers (IN), namely in
the case that providing such information is necessary for unambiguous
identification within the
framework of a legal, arbitrary, administrative or criminal or any
other proceedings in progress; CZ.NIC
is entitled to provide such additionally acquired information for the
purpose of such proceedings.

12.2. CZ.NIC association is entitled to terminate, at its discretion,
a Domain Name registration if
12.2.1. the information kept in relation to the Domain Name in the
Central Register is untrue,
incomplete or misleading,





Broj registrovanih domena: 854 684

Pravilnik: http://www.dns.be/en/home.php?n=43.001

5. Obligation to have a working e-mail address
The domain name holder must have a working e-mail address, which is
inserted in the DNS BE data base. DNS BE and the domain name holder
must use this e-mail address for official communication between them,
and the domain name holder must keep the address up-to-date through
his registrar. If the e-mail address is not kept up-to-date, the
domain name holder is in breach of these terms and conditions and DNS
BE may terminate the registration as provided in article 3 above.

7. Privacy policy

b) The domain name holder must keep DNS BE immediately informed
through the registrar of any change in name, address, e-mail address,
telephone and fax numbers. An omission or delay in informing DNS BE of
such changes may result in the termination of the registration.

8. Representations and warranties
a) The domain name holder represents and warrants that:
all statements made during the registration process and the term of
the registration are complete and accurate;





Broj registrovanih domena: 12 915 737

Čak ni kineski registar ne zahteva dostavljanje dokumentacije pri
registraciji .cn domena.

Jedino gde se zahteva dodatna dokumentacija je kod .gov.cn i .edu.cn:

How to register a .CN domain name?
Based on the principle of "first come, first serve", the
registrant shall sign online (or written) registration agreement with
the selected registrar.
According to the agreement, the registrant shall comply with the
latest Internet-related laws and regulations, including but not
limited to "China Internet Domain Name Regulations" and all other
regulations promulgated by the authority department; CNNIC developed
detailed domain name registration rules and domain name dispute
resolution policies. The registrant shall also ensure the verity,
nicety and integrity of the registration information he/she submitted.
Fill in the application form for domain name registration.
For registering .gov.cn domain names:
.gov.cn is only available for government departments to register.
Besides online registration process, the applicant shall also
submit following written material:
1) The application form for domain name registration with official
seal of registrant organization.
2) Relative material that may prove its identity of government department.
For registering .edu.cn domain names:
The regulations and procedures are developed by China Education
and Research Networks (CERNET).


Q. How to resolve Chinese Domain Name disputes?
A. According to "CNNIC Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy", all
disputes relating to Chinese Domain Name shall be resolved by Chinese
Domain Name dispute resolution institutes.
The following two neutral domain name dispute resolution institutes
are authorized by CNNIC:

China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Center

Hong Kong International Arbitration Center




Broj registrovanih domena: 106 511 654

.US Domain Name Registration Terms and Conditions

B. Termination by RA. RA may terminate this Agreement at any time upon
written notice in the event any of the following occurs:
i. Registrant willfully or negligently (i) provides RA inaccurate or
unreliable information or (ii) fails to promptly update information
provided to RA pursuant to this Agreement;

6. ACCURACY OF INFORMATION. Registrant hereby certifies that (i) all
data provided by Registrant in the domain name registration
application is true, correct, up to date and complete (ii) RA will
maintain and update, by providing notice to Registrant pursuant to
this Agreement, the information contained in the domain name
registration applicatio







Broj registrovanih domena: 500 000

Contact information: Registrants must provide true, accurate contact
information. The following contact types are required: Registrant,
Administrative, Technical, Billing. As per standing policy, the
contact data will displayed in the .IN WHOIS, except for the Billing
contact data, which is not displayed.





Preko 100 000 registrovanih domena

.ME Procedure



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