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Staro 07. 03. 2009.   #8
Dejan Bizinger
Wrote a book
Avatar Dejan Bizinger
Datum učlanjenja: 09.06.2005
Lokacija: Beograd
Poruke: 1.165
Hvala: 71
175 "Hvala" u 58 poruka
Dejan Bizinger će postati "faca" uskoroDejan Bizinger će postati "faca" uskoro

Evo jedan tekst na tu temu od coveka koji moze da kaze da je u samom vrhu po zaradi od Google-a kao pojedinac.

Ovo je najbolji deo u tekstu:

Lets be honest it all boils down to money. While the user experience may be **** its super profitable for Google. Last figure I saw said that 90% of Googles income comes from AdSense and of that I would guess a HUGE percentage of that is sites that are purely made for AdSense.

Jason Calacanis said years ago while on a panel with Google AdSense Employees (SES San Jose 06) “I make Google AdSense too much money for them to ban me” in response to a person in the audience asking if he was worried about being banned since he was violating many of Googles Terms Of Service.
Za one kojima nije poznato ime Jasona Calacanisa, u to vreme je vodio blog mrezu Weblogs Inc (kasnije prodata AOL) i kako je tvrdio mesecno je mreza zaradjivala oko milion dolara od Adsense-a.
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Poslednja izmena od Dejan Bizinger : 07. 03. 2009. u 00:09.
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