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Staro 02. 09. 2009.   #5
I'm a PC too.
Wrote a book
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Datum učlanjenja: 05.06.2005
Lokacija: Kanada
Poruke: 1.354
Hvala: 82
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^Pa ne, nije tako. Religija ne mora da uključuje neprirodno, možeš sam očas posla da nađeš gomilu takvih definicija religije. Ti si samo uzeo onu koja je najčešća, jer su i religije takve (najčešće uključuju nešto neprirodno).

Evo definicija sa linka koji si ti ostavio:

"A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader."

Evo definicija sa Britanike:

"human beings’ relation to that which they regard as holy, sacred, spiritual, or divine. Religion is commonly regarded as consisting of a person’s relation to God or to gods or spirits. Worship is probably the most basic element of religion, but moral conduct, right belief, and participation in religious institutions are generally also constituent elements of the religious life as practiced by believers and worshipers and as commanded by religious sages and scriptures."

Što se budizma tiče, koliko je meni poznato, nema ništa neprirodno, zato oni koji, kao ti, podrazumevaju da religija mora imati nešto neprirodno, kažu da budizam nije religija, što budisti uzimaju kao kompliment, itd.
Commercial-Free !!!

Poslednja izmena od degojs : 02. 09. 2009. u 19:52.
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