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Staro 19. 11. 2009.   #4
Milos Matovic
Avatar teknoledge
Datum učlanjenja: 29.05.2007
Lokacija: Belgrader
Poruke: 157
Hvala: 15
11 "Hvala" u 6 poruka
teknoledge is on a distinguished road

Originalno napisao dinke Pogledajte poruku
ok kapiram ja da moze da se dobije povracaj novca (konkretno VAT-a koji nije ni uracunat u cenu na apple sajtu), ali me interesuje koliko dodje carina i pdv ? Recimo ako je racunar 2000 USD u usa bez VAT-a koliko ce jos morati da plati carinu i pdv? Gde se dobija taj povracaj VAT-a ovde ili u USA?
Za USA nemam pojma, ovo sto sam ja pomenuo vazi za EU i povracaj VAT-a uzimas na izlasku iz zemlje gde si kupio robu posto se "podrazumeva" da ces platiti VAT na ulasku u svoju zemlju (da se izbegne dvostruko oporezivanje)

Originalno napisao srdjan Pogledajte poruku
Tax koji se dodaje na cenu robe u USA nije VAT (PDV) nego "porez na promet" (sales tax) ... samim tim i nema povraćaja.
Ovo nisam imao pojma, mnogo ga iskomplikovase ameri

The sales tax is the responsibility of the merchant to collect and remand to the state, and stated separately (or implicitly added at the time of sale) to consumers. Usually only consumers are charged the tax; resellers are exempt if they do not make use of the goods. In some jurisdictions, a reseller's certificate is required to make use of this privilege. This is in contrast to a value added tax (VAT), where resellers are also taxed (resellers may then claim the VAT paid on their purchases from the applicable authority). States which have exemptions for specific types of organizations (such as schools), may also require a certificate. A sales tax audit is the examination of a company’s financial documents by the state’s tax agency to verify if they have collected the correct amount of sales tax from their customers.

Koliko vidim sales tax se placa samo za Groceries,Prepared Food,Prescription Drug,Non-prescription Drug,Clothing!? Gresim li??

Poslednja izmena od teknoledge : 19. 11. 2009. u 00:21.
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