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Staro 01. 02. 2010.   #3
Nenad Vasić
Datum učlanjenja: 28.06.2007
Lokacija: Beograd
Poruke: 238
Hvala: 80
38 "Hvala" u 24 poruka
Nenad Vasić is on a distinguished road
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Conversations About the Internet #5: Anonymous Facebook Employee


Our site is coded, I’d say, 90% in PHP. All the front end — everything you see — is generated via a language called PHP. He is creating HPHP, Hyper-PHP, which means he’s literally rewriting the entire language. There’s this distinction in coding between a scripted language and a compiled language. PHP is an example of a scripted language. The computer or browser reads the program like a script, from top to bottom, and executes it in that order: anything you declare at the bottom cannot be referenced at the top. But with a compiled language, the program you write is compiled into an executable file. It doesn’t have to read the program from beginning to end in order to execute commands. It’s much faster that way. So this engineer is converting the site from one that runs on a scripted language to one that runs on a compiled language.


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