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Staro 10. 03. 2006.   #89
I'm a PC too.
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Jesi li cuo nekad za FOLLOW-UP? Znas li sta je to uopste..

Ovakvih stvari imas na netu koliko hoces, a u vecini slucajeva studente direktno o tome uce i na samim fakultetima.

I've started looking for a new job and recently submitted my resume to a company listing a position that I am very interested in. I would like to know if there is any rule of thumb or protocol about the proper follow up after submitting a resume.

I didn't hear from back this company so I made a couple of phone calls to the Human Resources department. The person I spoke with indicated that my resume was one that was being considered for an interview.

Will I spoil my chances if I call occasionally to find out what the status is on the position?
If you are really interested in a position, you are wise to pursue it rather than sit, wait and hope that someone will call you.

You have no way of knowing how many resumes were received for this position. Yours could be one of hundreds. By calling, you are setting yourself apart from those who do not, and are showing your interest in the position.

The response you get when you call should determine if and when you call back. If you sense that the person you are calling is irritated by your persistence, back off a bit. There is a fine line between being diligent and following up with someone and pestering them.

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Poslednja izmena od degojs : 10. 03. 2006. u 02:56.
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