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Staro 28. 08. 2010.   #7
Domagoj Horvat
Avatar dee
Datum učlanjenja: 24.07.2006
Lokacija: Zagreb
Poruke: 502
Hvala: 22
10 "Hvala" u 8 poruka
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As for IE, this is one of those situations where its non-standard CSS implementation comes to the rescue. Just add .stopOpacity (or position:relative) to the child of the element that has opacity whom you wish not to inherit opacity.
E jebem te zivote...

Dakle, inheritance opacity filtera u IE-u prestaje s prvim childom (i svim ispod njega) koji ima position:relative.
Jos da mi je shvatit zasto bi to bilo korisno...

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postoje ludosti bez kojih je nemoguce ljudsko dostojanstvo
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