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Staro 06. 07. 2009.   #7
Goran Pilipović
Sir Write-a-Lot
Avatar bluesman
Datum učlanjenja: 18.05.2005
Lokacija: Beograd
Poruke: 5.450
Hvala: 288
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Koristi funkciju imagecopymerge().

Evo jedna stara funkcija koja je radila super, ubacivala je watermark dole levo i daje mu opacity koji navedes (default 70%) ali to moze lako da se promeni.

PHP kôd:
 * Embed watermark on image
 * if you don't enter destination image, it will overwrite the source image
 * @param string $watermark_filename - path to image to be used as watermark
 * @param string $source_filename - path to source image
 * @param string $dest_filename - path to destination image
 * @param int $blending - watermark opacity
 * @returns int -1 (error) | 0 (warning) | 1 (ok)

function embedWatermark ($watermark_filename$source_filename$dest_filename ""$blending 70)
$source_img    = !empty($source_filename)    ? trim($source_filename) : "";
$watermark    = !empty($watermark_filename)    ? trim($watermark_filename) : "";
$target_img    = !empty($dest_filename)    ? trim($dest_filename)    : "";
$blending    intval($blending);

    if (
$blending || $blending 100)    { $blending 70; }

    if (empty(
$source_img))        { return addError(__FUNCTION__." Source file not specified!"); }
    if (!
is_file($source_img))    { return addError(__FUNCTION__." Source file "$source_img" not found!"); }
    if (empty(
$watermark))        { return addError(__FUNCTION__." watermark file not specified!"); }
    if (!
is_file($watermark))    { return addError(__FUNCTION__." watermark file "$watermark" not found!"); }
    if (empty(
$target_img))        { $target_img $source_img; }

$source_size    getimagesize($source_img);
$watermark_size getimagesize($watermark);

$src_w         = !empty($source_size[0]) ? $source_size[0] : 1;
$src_h         = !empty($source_size[1]) ? $source_size[1] : 1;
$src_type     = !empty($source_size[2]) ? $source_size[2] : TYPE_JPG;
$wmk_w         = !empty($watermark_size[0]) ? $watermark_size[0] : 1;
$wmk_h         = !empty($watermark_size[1]) ? $watermark_size[1] : 1;
$wmk_type     = !empty($watermark_size[2]) ? $watermark_size[2] : TYPE_JPG;

    if     (
$src_type == TYPE_JPG)    { $src imagecreatefromjpeg ($source_img); }
    elseif (
$src_type == TYPE_GIF)    { $src imagecreatefromgif ($source_img); }
    elseif (
$src_type == TYPE_PNG)    { $src imagecreatefrompng ($source_img); }
    else                { return 
addError(__FUNCTION__." unknown image type"); }

    if (!
$src)    // if failed?
addError(__FUNCTION__." GD source image create failed");

    if     (
$wmk_type == TYPE_JPG)    { $wmk imagecreatefromjpeg ($watermark); }
    elseif (
$wmk_type == TYPE_GIF)    { $wmk imagecreatefromgif ($watermark); }
    elseif (
$wmk_type == TYPE_PNG)    { $wmk imagecreatefrompng ($watermark); }
    else                 { return 
addError(__FUNCTION__." Unknown watermark image type "); }

    if (!
$wmk)    // if failed?
addError(__FUNCTION__." GD watermark create failed");

// set the watermark position (bottom left)
$position_x 0// $src_w - $wmk_w;
$position_y $src_h $wmk_h;

// set destination image size propotional as source image file
$dst imagecreatetruecolor($src_w$src_h);

// copy image first
imagecopy ($dst$src0000$src_w$src_h);

// copy watermark after
imagecopymerge ($dst$wmk$position_x$position_y00$wmk_w$wmk_h$blending);

// create file on disk
if     ($src_type == TYPE_GIF)    { imagegif ($dst$target_img); }
    elseif (
$src_type == TYPE_PNG)    { imagepng ($dst$target_img); }
    else                { 
imagejpeg($dst$target_img); }

1;    // ok

Goran Pilipović a.k.a. Ugly Fingers Bradley f.k.a. bluesman
I don't always know what I'm talking about but I know I'm right!
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