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Staro 27. 04. 2007.   #8
I think I'm a sofa...
Avatar artur_dent
Datum učlanjenja: 16.11.2005
Poruke: 438
Hvala: 9
28 "Hvala" u 25 poruka
artur_dent is on a distinguished road

Mozes da pokusas sa ovim. Ovo sam napisao bas za tu namenu da ubacuje neki div sa reklamom u text samog posta.

Ovo je glupa verzija koja ubacuje reklame posle n-te reci samo.
Plugin Name: InThePost
Plugin URI: www.rednetcat.com
Description: Inserts code inside the post works with adsense delux plugin
Version: 0.2
Author: Ivandima
Author URI: www.dipdaun.com

function itp_add_options(){
    add_options_page('Adsense InThePost', 'InThePost', 9, basename(__FILE__), 'itp_options_subpanel');

function itp_options_subpanel(){

<div class="wrap"> 
  <h2>Adsense InThePost</h2> 
  <form name="form1" method="post">
	<label>Adsense code for inserting in the post</label><textarea name="adds" cols="20" rows="20"><? echo htmlentities(get_option('inthepost'));?></textarea>
	<input name="Submit" type="submit" value="Submit" />

function inthepost($content){
	$adds ="<div class=\"adds\">". stripslashes(get_option('inthepost'))."</div>";
	//$broj_reci = str_word_count($content); $broj_reci=round($broj_reci/2);
	$post = str_word_count($content, 2);
	foreach($post as $p){
		if($i==$broj_reci) $content = $content . $adds ." ";
		$content = $content. $p ." ";
	return $content;

add_action('admin_menu', 'itp_add_options');
add_filter('the_content', 'inthepost',10);

Ovo je verzija koja ubacuje reklamu posle prvog </p> ( cini mi se ).

Plugin Name: InThePost
Plugin URI: www.rednetcat.com
Description: Inserts code inside the post works with adsense delux plugin
Version: 0.1
Author: Ivandima
Author URI: www.rednetcat.com

function itp_add_options(){
    add_options_page('Adsense InThePost', 'InThePost', 9, basename(__FILE__), 'itp_options_subpanel');

function itp_options_subpanel(){

<div class="wrap"> 
  <h2>Adsense InThePost</h2> 
  <form name="form1" method="post">
	<label>Adsense code for inserting in the post</label><textarea name="adds" cols="20" rows="20"><? echo htmlentities(get_option('inthepost'));?></textarea>
	<input name="Submit" type="submit" value="Submit" />

function inthepost($content){
	$adds ="<div class=\"adds\">". stripslashes(get_option('inthepost'))."</div>";
	$post = explode("<p>",$content); $content="";
	$i=0; foreach($post as $p) $i++;
		if(($t>1)&&($dodato==0)){ $content .= $adds."<p>".$post[$i]; $dodato=1;}
		else $content .= "<p>".$p;
	return $content;

add_action('admin_menu', 'itp_add_options');
add_filter('the_content', 'inthepost',10);

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