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Staro 01. 12. 2012.   #14
Avatar mslavko
Datum učlanjenja: 25.10.2012
Poruke: 278
Hvala: 16
32 "Hvala" u 9 poruka
mslavko is on a distinguished road

Cenim tvoj savet ali voleo bih da cujem i ostale clanove ovog foruma sta misle o tome.

Oni prodaju pricu da su napravili sami framework koji je optimizovan da radi sa velikim broju zahteva ali kao nemaju dokumentaciju za isti.
Takodje reklamiraju se ovako:
"Do you think you can manage a website with 100 000 visits a day using an off-the-shelf CMS such as Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress or a similar product? Well, how about 1 000 000 visits daily?

The truth is such a system will not work smoothly unless the code is specifically written to handle such loads. What is more – most systems become real resource hogs under high strain.

We have created a framework that is specifically optimized to work under loads, generating millions of database requests per second.

Pintastic.com is hardly the best script ever. Put simply – it is the only one that is actually on the market, while everyone else is still looking for a solution.

We believe that our script will work like Pinterest.com (and probably better).

You can test our claim by trying out the working demo. It has been pre-loaded with 40 000 000 (demo) pins, and 4 000 000 (demo) user accounts. Our goal is to simulate a large amount of data and to prove that the script is able to handle large amount of requests and database entries."

Pa bih zamolio iskusnije u kreiranju platformi da prokomentarisu ovo i koliko moze da bude tacno.

Poslednja izmena od mslavko : 01. 12. 2012. u 19:05.
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