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Staro 01. 12. 2012.   #18
Datum učlanjenja: 23.02.2012
Poruke: 92
Hvala: 0
1.169 "Hvala" u 15 poruka
Anakin14 is on a distinguished roadAnakin14 is on a distinguished roadAnakin14 is on a distinguished roadAnakin14 is on a distinguished roadAnakin14 is on a distinguished roadAnakin14 is on a distinguished roadAnakin14 is on a distinguished roadAnakin14 is on a distinguished roadAnakin14 is on a distinguished road

"Do you think you can manage a website with 100 000 visits a day using an off-the-shelf CMS such as Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress or a similar product? Well, how about 1 000 000 visits daily?

The truth is such a system will not work smoothly unless the code is specifically written to handle such loads. What is more – most systems become real resource hogs under high strain.

We have created a framework that is specifically optimized to work under loads, generating millions of database requests per second.

Pintastic.com is hardly the best script ever. Put simply – it is the only one that is actually on the market, while everyone else is still looking for a solution.

We believe that our script will work like Pinterest.com (and probably better).

You can test our claim by trying out the working demo. It has been pre-loaded with 40 000 000 (demo) pins, and 4 000 000 (demo) user accounts. Our goal is to simulate a large amount of data and to prove that the script is able to handle large amount of requests and database entries."

Na ovu pricu samo idiot moze da padne koji se stvarno ne razume u bilo šta vezano za web. Ovi pintastic su klasican gerila marketing fazon i cekaju da se neko upeca.
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