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Komunikacije VOIP (Voice Over IP), handheld, Instant Mesengers, protokoli, P2P...ICQ, Jabber, MSN, ...

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Staro 09. 06. 2005.   #1
Datum učlanjenja: 07.06.2005
Lokacija: EU
Poruke: 609
Hvala: 47
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Default Voip - How To

1. Introduction
This document explains about VoIP systems. Recent happenings like Internet diffusion at low cost, new integration of dedicated voice compression processors, have changed common user requirements allowing VoIP standards to diffuse. This howto tries to define some basic lines of VoIP architecture.

2. Background

2.1 The past

More than 30 years ago Internet didn't exist. Interactive communications were only made by telephone at PSTN line cost.

Data exchange was expansive (for a long distance) and no one had been thinking to video interactions (there was only television that is not interactive, as known).

2.2 Yesterday

Few years ago we saw appearing some interesting things: PCs to large masses, new technologies to communicate like cellular phones and finally the great net: Internet; people begun to communicate with new services like email, chat, etc. and business reborned with the web allowing people buy with a "click".

2.3 Today

Today we can see a real revolution in communication world: everybody begins to use PCs and Internet for job and free time to communicate each other, to exchange data (like images, sounds, documents) and, sometimes, to talk each other using applications like Netmeeting or Internet Phone. Particularly starts to diffusing a common idea that could be the future and that can allow real-time vocal communication: VoIP.

2.4 The future

We cannot know what is the future, but we can try to image it with many computers, Internet almost everywhere at high speed and people talking (audio and video) in a real time fashion. We only need to know what will be the means to do this: UMTS, VoIP (with video extension) or other? Anyway we can notice that Internet has grown very much in the last years, it is free (at least as international means) and could be the right communication media for future.

3. Overview

3.1 What is VoIP?

VoIP stands for 'V'oice 'o'ver 'I'nternet 'P'rotocol. As the term says VoIP tries to let go voice (mainly human) through IP packets and, in definitive through Internet. VoIP can use accelerating hardware to achieve this purpose and can also be used in a PC environment.

3.2 How does it work?

Many years ago we discovered that sending a signal to a remote destination could have be done also in a digital fashion: before sending it we have to digitalize it with an ADC (analog to digital converter), transmit it, and at the end transform it again in analog format with DAC (digital to analog converter) to use it.

VoIP works like that, digitalizing voice in data packets, sending them and reconverting them in voice at destination.

Digital format can be better controlled: we can compress it, route it, convert it to a new better format, and so on; also we saw that digital signal is more noise tolerant than the analog one (see GSM vs TACS).

TCP/IP networks are made of IP packets containing a header (to control communication) and a payload to transport data: VoIP use it to go across the network and come to destination.

Voice (source) - - ADC - - - - Internet - - - DAC - - Voice (dest)

3.3 What is the advantages using VoIP rather PSTN?

When you are using PSTN line, you typically pay for time used to a PSTN line manager company: more time you stay at phone and more you'll pay. In addition you couldn't talk with other that one person at a time.

In opposite with VoIP mechanism you can talk all the time with every person you want (the needed is that other person is also connected to Internet at the same time), as far as you want (money independent) and, in addition, you can talk with many people at the same time.

If you're still not persuaded you can consider that, at the same time, you can exchange data with people are you talking with, sending images, graphs and videos.

3.4 Then, why everybody doesn't use it yet?

Unfortunately we have to report some problem with the integration between VoIP architecture and Internet. As you can easy imagine, voice data communication must be a real time stream (you couldn't speak, wait for many seconds, then hear other side answering): this is in contrast with the Internet heterogeneous architecture that can be made of many routers (machines that route packets), about 20-30 or more and can have a very high round trip time (RTT), so we need to modify something to get it properly working.

In next sections we'll try to understand how to solve this great problem. In general we know that is very difficult to guarantee a bandwidth in Internet for VoIP application.
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RATEL i VoIP dkurel Komunikacije 4 16. 06. 2006. 14:26
YU TLD za VoIP?? dkurel Komunikacije 4 23. 11. 2005. 23:49
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