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Staro 13. 01. 2011.   #1
novi član
Datum učlanjenja: 13.01.2011
Poruke: 4
Hvala: 0
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GroundLink is on a distinguished road
Exclamation GroundLink - pozicije

GroundLink is a global platform for ground transportation, based in New York City, that just received their 2nd round of funding. We power ground trasportation sections of some of the world's biggest travel companies. We build an infrastructure that serves the needs of millions of travelers and thousands of ground transport companies, helping them work together. We build web and mobile experiences unseen in the industry.

GroundLink is expanding, and fast. We are looking for people who started playing with LEGO at age of 4 and never stopped. For engineers that value the craft and are passionate about what they do. For hard problem solvers. For people who do not stop when they get in the zone. And for people who know how to balance hard work and enjoying in life.

Front End (Javascript) Developer

We may be your match if you're passionate about information architecture and every little UX and UI detail of your work. You need a mastery of Javascript and jQuery internals. You love the mobile web and the opportunities and the flexibility that's coming with HTML5 and CSS3. You have played with or at least heard of coffee script and sass.

Duties and requirements:
• You will be responsible for building robust Javascript libraries on top of our API, as well as their design, coding, testing, and maintenance
• Knowledge and experience with buidling cross-browser, ideally cross-platform (web/mobile/server) Javascript applications
• Expertise on object-oriented and functional parts of Javascript
• AJAX, Comet, WebSocket - real time web clients experience
• Preparing Javascript for deployment - minifying as part of the build process
• Migration of existing apps to HTML5 and CSS3 while keeping backward compatibility (progressive enhancement)
• Extra bonus for experience in building native mobile apps with help of web stack, as you will be working on number of our mobile clients
• A big plus for any additional languages (Java, Scala, Python, Ruby) and platforms covered

For all development positions we are looking for people that have built stuff, in the first place for the pure joy of building it. We also require each candidate to write a piece of code as a part of the interview process.

This is a full time, employment contract position. Telecommuting is negotiable option.

You get:
• Meaningful equity in company
• Social, medical, pension funds paid in full, on 100% of net salary
• Lovable culture and likeminded crew (we talk hackernews in the hallway)
• Generous paid vacation time
• Very flexible work schedule
• Truly global multinational environment
• Chance to be part of entire industry redesign and maybe drive that change
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Naziv:	groundlinkinc_logo.jpg
Pregleda:	7802
Veličina:	6,2 KB
ID:	809  
GroundLink je offline   Odgovorite uz citat
Staro 13. 01. 2011.   #2
novi član
Datum učlanjenja: 13.01.2011
Poruke: 4
Hvala: 0
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GroundLink is on a distinguished road
Exclamation GroundLink - Java/Scala Senior Software Engineer

GroundLink is a global platform for ground transportation, based in New York City, that just received their 2nd round of funding. We power ground trasportation sections of some of the world's biggest travel companies. We build an infrastructure that serves the needs of millions of travelers and thousands of ground transport companies, helping them work together. We build web and mobile experiences unseen in the industry.

GroundLink is expanding, and fast. We are looking for people who started playing with LEGO at age of 4 and never stopped. For engineers that value the craft and are passionate about what they do. For hard problem solvers. For people who do not stop when they get in the zone. And for people who know how to balance hard work and enjoying in life.

Java/Scala Senior Software Engineer

You are enthusiastic about building scalable distributed systems. You love your Actors, you toyed with building your DSL, you are in the world of functional programming as much as you were in the world of objects. You have years of experience with Java Enterprise stack (EJB3, Spring, JMS) and can take best of both worlds. Ideally you have been working on building clean (RESTful) APIs.

You'll be working on our messaging infrastructure, and building our API. It means a close collaboration with both front and back-end engineers. Your work will power our web and mobile clients and it will be capable to cope with high load of requests. You will routinely build quick development prototypes and proofs of concept.

Scala proficiency is a greatly valued, but it is not a requirement, if you have needed Java experience and are willing to learn and jump aboard quickly, you are welcome.

For all development positions we are looking for people that have built stuff, in the first place for the pure joy of building it. We also require each candidate to write a piece of code as a part of interview process.

This is a full time, employment contract position. Telecommuting is negotiable option.

You get:
• Meaningful equity in company
• Social, medical, pension funds paid in full, on 100% of net salary
• Lovable culture and likeminded crew (we talk hackernews in the hallway)
• Generous paid vacation time
• Very flexible work schedule
• Truly global multinational environment
• Chance to be part of entire industry redesign and maybe drive that change
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Naziv:	groundlinkinc_logo.jpg
Pregleda:	7989
Veličina:	6,2 KB
ID:	810  
GroundLink je offline   Odgovorite uz citat
Staro 13. 01. 2011.   #3
novi član
Datum učlanjenja: 13.01.2011
Poruke: 4
Hvala: 0
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GroundLink is on a distinguished road
Exclamation GroundLink - IT Operations Manager / Release Engineer

GroundLink is a global platform for ground transportation, based in New York City, that just received their 2nd round of funding. We power ground trasportation sections of some of the world's biggest travel companies. We build an infrastructure that serves the needs of millions of travelers and thousands of ground transport companies, helping them work together. We build web and mobile experiences unseen in the industry.

GroundLink is expanding, and fast. We are looking for people who started playing with LEGO at age of 4 and never stopped. For engineers that value the craft and are passionate about what they do. For hard problem solvers. For people who do not stop when they get in the zone. And for people who know how to balance hard work and enjoying in life.

IT Operations Manager / Release Engineer

You are obsessive about things being in order and running smoothly. You have built automated build and release systems. You are pro with different version control systems. You have managed cloud based systems, you know how to make the system grow under load and shrink in idle time. You are at home in *nix world, and you can script any box to do what you need it to do (in Python preferably).

Your duties and responsibilities would include:
• Building repeatable, structured processes and procedures for creating and managing application environments.
• Develop and maintain software to manage the code release process that will be used to stage and document releases.
• Work with developers to stage and launch the appropriate code revisions.
• Manage our automated, continuous build process. Enhance it with source code verification, and targeted notifications for any failure.
• Manage the code release process, including git and svn tagging, updating testing environments, and deploying code and configuration to production environments.
• Build no downtime release processes utilizing cloud infrastructure.
• Establish change control procedures and processes.
• Knowledge and experience with Java application servers, Maven/Nexus, Hudson and similar tools

This is a full time, employment contract position. Telecommuting is negotiable option.
You get:
• Meaningful equity in company
• Social, medical, pension funds paid in full, on 100% of net salary
• Lovable culture and likeminded crew (we talk hackernews in the hallway)
• Generous paid vacation time
• Very flexible work schedule
• Truly global multinational environment
• Chance to be part of entire industry redesign and maybe drive that change
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Naziv:	groundlinkinc_logo.jpg
Pregleda:	7999
Veličina:	6,2 KB
ID:	811  
GroundLink je offline   Odgovorite uz citat
Staro 13. 01. 2011.   #4
novi član
Datum učlanjenja: 13.01.2011
Poruke: 4
Hvala: 0
0 "Hvala" u 0 poruka
GroundLink is on a distinguished road
Exclamation GroundLink - Pragmatic Web Programmer

GroundLink is a global platform for ground transportation, based in New York City, that just received their 2nd round of funding. We power ground trasportation sections of some of the world's biggest travel companies. We build an infrastructure that serves the needs of millions of travelers and thousands of ground transport companies, helping them work together. We build web and mobile experiences unseen in the industry.

GroundLink is expanding, and fast. We are looking for people who started playing with LEGO at age of 4 and never stopped. For engineers that value the craft and are passionate about what they do. For hard problem solvers. For people who do not stop when they get in the zone. And for people who know how to balance hard work and enjoying in life.

Pragmatic Web Programmer

If you think in dynamic languages (Python/Ruby/JavaScript), and in a moment of epiphany you can build entire non-trivial web apps capable of handling huge amounts of traffic, we want you. You value code elegance highly, you always look how to cut the time for development/release cycles without cutting corners. You have played with some PASS solutions (GAE, Heroku, NoSQL is no news to you. You follow daily where the web is moving and how to solve problems most efficently, picking the right tool for the job.

You'll be working on prototypes and new products built on top of our API. You will provide support for our mobile clients. Your major task will be migration to the web and rethinking of the industry legacy interface for managing ground travel operations by utilizing our and 3rd party APIs, SDKs and other tools. You would contribute both to front and back-end parts of the system as needed. You may be working closely with our major corporate partners on integrating our API into their systems.

For all development positions we are looking for people that have built stuff, in the first place for the pure joy of building it. We also require each candidate to write a piece of code as a part of interview process.
This is a full time, employment contract position. Telecommuting is negotiable option.

You get:
• Meaningful equity in company
• Social, medical, pension funds paid in full, on 100% of net salary
• Lovable culture and likeminded crew (we talk hackernews in the hallway)
• Generous paid vacation time
• Very flexible work schedule
• Truly global multinational environment
• Chance to be part of entire industry redesign and maybe drive that change
Priloženi thumbnailovi
Kliknite na sliku za uvećanu verziju

Naziv:	groundlinkinc_logo.jpg
Pregleda:	8078
Veličina:	6,2 KB
ID:	812  
GroundLink je offline   Odgovorite uz citat

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