Sva početnička pitanja Sva početnička pitanja bi trebala da se postavljaju u ovom forumu, a ako se pretvori u kvalitetnu diskusiju interesantnu svima - prebacićemo je u odgovarajući forum. Molimo "znalce" da ne omalovažavaju početnike, ako žele da pomognu svi ćemo biti zahvalni, ako ne žele, neka preskoče ovaj forum. |
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16. 09. 2011. | #11 |
Datum učlanjenja: 04.06.2005
Poruke: 371
Hvala: 0
738 "Hvala" u 83 poruka
Problem je u tome što se klikom na linkove .checkbox-select odnosno .checkbox-deselect ne poziva događaj click input checkbox polja, dakle ne poziva se toggleGroup('restaurant') odnosno toggleGroup('bar').
Don't look at me; I'm lost too. “If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bul*s**t.” |
16. 09. 2011. | #12 |
Datum učlanjenja: 15.03.2011
Poruke: 518
Hvala: 16
20 "Hvala" u 17 poruka
e da, nisam to primetio da nepostoji onlick funkcija... hvala
17. 09. 2011. | #13 |
Datum učlanjenja: 04.06.2005
Poruke: 371
Hvala: 0
738 "Hvala" u 83 poruka
Mogao si umesto:
$(this).parent().find(":checkbox").attr("checked","checked"); Kôd:
$(this).parent().find(":checkbox").attr("checked","checked").click(); Kôd:
$(this).parent().find(":checkbox").removeAttr("checked"); Kôd:
Don't look at me; I'm lost too. “If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bul*s**t.” |
17. 09. 2011. | #14 |
Datum učlanjenja: 15.03.2011
Poruke: 518
Hvala: 16
20 "Hvala" u 17 poruka
Da i to je dobro resenje... da se vratim na staru temu... da li je moguce nekako da u javascript kodu napravim npr. var timer ili var share i kasnije bi mi bilo lakse da integrisem to u infoWindow?
17. 09. 2011. | #15 |
Datum učlanjenja: 04.06.2005
Poruke: 371
Hvala: 0
738 "Hvala" u 83 poruka
A šta treba da sadrže te dve promenljive?
Ono što sam ja mislio u poruci koji sam napisao. npr. u HEAD deo stranice dodaj: Kôd:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script language="JavaScript" src="countdown.js"></script> Kôd:
var html = '<div class="m_tooltip"><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td colspan="2" valign="top"><div align="center">' + name + '</div></td></tr><tr><td width="50%" valign="top"><img src="' + address + '" alt="" width="150" border="0" /><br></td><td width="50%" align="center" valign="middle"><a href="' + totolink + '"><img src="buy_btn.png" width="70" height="30" border="0" /></a></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" valign="top" bgcolor="#999999"><div align="center">BETA!</div></td></tr></table></div>'; Kôd:
TargetDate = "12/31/2020 11:00 PM"; BackColor = "palegreen"; ForeColor = "navy"; CountActive = true; CountStepper = -1; LeadingZero = true; DisplayFormat = "%%H%% c, %%M%% min, %%S%% sek."; FinishMessage = "It is finally here!"; var html = '<div class="m_tooltip"><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td colspan="2" valign="top"><div align="center">' + name + '</div></td></tr><tr><td width="50%" valign="top"><img src="' + address + '" alt="" width="150" border="0" /><br></td><td width="50%" align="center" valign="middle"><a href="' + totolink + '"><img src="buy_btn.png" width="70" height="30" border="0" /></a></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" valign="top" bgcolor="#999999"><div align="center">BETA!</div></td></tr></table>'; html += "<span id='cntdwn' style='background-color:" + BackColor + "; color:" + ForeColor + "'></span>"; html += '<div id="fb-root"></div><div class="fb-like" data-href="" data-send="true" data-width="280" data-show-faces="true"></div>'; html += '<div id="toolbox"><div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style "><a class="addthis_button_preferred_1"></a><a class="addthis_button_preferred_2"></a><a class="addthis_button_preferred_3"></a><a class="addthis_button_preferred_4"></a><a class="addthis_button_compact"></a><a class="addthis_counter addthis_bubble_style"></a></div></div>'; html += '</div>'; google.maps.event.addListener(infoWindow, 'domready', function () { CountBack(gsecs); FB.init({ appId : 'YOUR APP ID', status : true, // check login status cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access the session xfbml : true, // parse XFBML channelURL : 'http://WWW.MYDOMAIN.COM/channel.html', // channel.html file oauth : true // enable OAuth 2.0 }); addthis.toolbox("#toolbox"); }); google.maps.event.addListener(infoWindow, 'closeclick', function () { clearTimeout(cd_st); }); Kôd:
/* Author: Robert Hashemian You can use this code in any manner so long as the author's name, Web address and this disclaimer is kept intact. ******************************************************** Usage Sample: <script language="JavaScript"> TargetDate = "12/31/2020 5:00 AM"; BackColor = "palegreen"; ForeColor = "navy"; CountActive = true; CountStepper = -1; LeadingZero = true; DisplayFormat = "%%D%% Days, %%H%% Hours, %%M%% Minutes, %%S%% Seconds."; FinishMessage = "It is finally here!"; </script> <script language="JavaScript" src=""></script> */ function calcage(secs, num1, num2) { s = ((Math.floor(secs/num1))%num2).toString(); if (LeadingZero && s.length < 2) s = "0" + s; return "<b>" + s + "</b>"; } function CountBack(secs) { if(document.getElementById("cntdwn") === null) { return; } if (secs < 0) { document.getElementById("cntdwn").innerHTML = FinishMessage; return; } DisplayStr = DisplayFormat.replace(/%%D%%/g, calcage(secs,86400,100000)); DisplayStr = DisplayStr.replace(/%%H%%/g, calcage(secs,3600,24)); DisplayStr = DisplayStr.replace(/%%M%%/g, calcage(secs,60,60)); DisplayStr = DisplayStr.replace(/%%S%%/g, calcage(secs,1,60)); document.getElementById("cntdwn").innerHTML = DisplayStr; if (CountActive) cd_st = setTimeout("CountBack(" + (secs+CountStepper) + ")", SetTimeOutPeriod); } function putspan(backcolor, forecolor) { document.write("<span id='cntdwn' style='background-color:" + backcolor + "; color:" + forecolor + "'></span>"); } if (typeof(BackColor)=="undefined") BackColor = "white"; if (typeof(ForeColor)=="undefined") ForeColor= "black"; if (typeof(TargetDate)=="undefined") TargetDate = "12/31/2020 5:00 AM"; if (typeof(DisplayFormat)=="undefined") DisplayFormat = "%%D%% Days, %%H%% Hours, %%M%% Minutes, %%S%% Seconds."; if (typeof(CountActive)=="undefined") CountActive = true; if (typeof(FinishMessage)=="undefined") FinishMessage = ""; if (typeof(CountStepper)!="number") CountStepper = -1; if (typeof(LeadingZero)=="undefined") LeadingZero = true; CountStepper = Math.ceil(CountStepper); if (CountStepper == 0) CountActive = false; var SetTimeOutPeriod = (Math.abs(CountStepper)-1)*1000 + 990; //putspan(BackColor, ForeColor); var dthen = new Date(TargetDate); var dnow = new Date(); if(CountStepper>0) ddiff = new Date(dnow-dthen); else ddiff = new Date(dthen-dnow); gsecs = Math.floor(ddiff.valueOf()/1000); //CountBack(gsecs);
Don't look at me; I'm lost too. “If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bul*s**t.” |
17. 09. 2011. | #16 |
Datum učlanjenja: 15.03.2011
Poruke: 518
Hvala: 16
20 "Hvala" u 17 poruka
Promenljiva timer treba da sadrzi brojac koji meri koliko je ostalo do kraja dana...(sati,minuta i sekundi) a promenljiva share da sadrzi facebook kod... i kasnije bih lako to integrisao u promenljivu html npr. ' + timer + ' ... itd.
Probacu ovako kako si ti napisao sigurno je dobro resenje a ako ne onda preko iframe-a. |
17. 09. 2011. | #17 |
Pukovnik u penziji
Grand Master
Aj za boga miloga neka neko od moderatora prepravi naslov teme...
Ovo nema veze sa Javom... |
17. 09. 2011. | #18 |
Datum učlanjenja: 15.03.2011
Poruke: 518
Hvala: 16
20 "Hvala" u 17 poruka
Upravu si,slazem se, napisao sam los naslov. Neka moderator ovo promeni i ako moze postavi u odgovarajucu sekciju foruma.
17. 09. 2011. | #19 | |
Datum učlanjenja: 04.06.2005
Poruke: 371
Hvala: 0
738 "Hvala" u 83 poruka
Don't look at me; I'm lost too. “If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bul*s**t.” |
17. 09. 2011. | #20 |
Grand Master
Datum učlanjenja: 11.04.2010
Poruke: 998
Hvala: 141
959 "Hvala" u 153 poruka
Branko, svaka tebi čast
"Hvala" webarto za poruku: |