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Staro 06. 01. 2007.   #1
Dragan Varagić
Datum učlanjenja: 07.08.2005
Lokacija: Novi Sad
Poruke: 631
Hvala: 25
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Default Najveće pojedinačne AdSense zarade...

Biggest Google AdSense Money Makers

The following is a list of the Internet’s eight biggest Google AdSense Money Makers publishers. The information was compiled from interviews and articles found on the Internet. Whenever possible, I list the source of the information.

I apologize in advance if I missed anyone on the list. If you make more than the people listed, please send me proof of your Google AdSense earnings and I will add you on the list of money maker next time the list is updated. This is a list of individual site owners - people just like you and me. Big corporate AdSense publishers like AOL are excluded.

1: Markus Frind: - $300,000 per month

money makers Markus Frind is a local Vancouverite who is turning the online dating world upside down. His site, is the biggest free dating site on the Internet. receives up to 500 million page views per month and make over $10,000 per day for Markus, who runs the site from home.

You think a site this big would be staffed by a hundred people but the only employee that Markus has is his girlfriend, who helps to answer the emails. Markus coded Plenty of Fish all by himself. The site is lean and mean and requires only four servers to handle all that traffic.

Doubts about Makus’s Google earnings were silenced when he posted this $900,000 check from Google. According to Markus’s blog entry, the check represented two months of AdSense earnings.

2: Kevin Rose: - $250,000 per month

Money Makers Kevin Rose started Digg in December of 2004 with just $1000. Today Digg is one of the biggest news sites on the Net, with over 400,000 members and over 200 million page views per month. According to this article from Business week, Digg will make Money $3 million this year from a combination of Google AdSense and Federated Media ads. Unfortunately, only Mr. Rose and his accountants knows how much came from Google and how much came from Federated Media. I can try to take a guess based on the number of times I have seen a Federated Media ad vs. a Google ad on Digg but, being in Canada, it’s almost 100% Google ads Money Maker.

Whatever Google’s share of Digg’s $250,000 per month in ad revenues may be, one thing is for sure, it is not small.

3: Jeremy Shoemaker - $140,000 per month

Make Money From Home Free With Pay-for-performance or Affiliate Marketing
Pay-for-performance or Affiliate Marketing is a form of online marketing where an advertiser pays for results rather than paying to reach a particular audience. A Web site (the “publisher”) advertises products or services offered by another Web site (the “advertiser”) in exchange for a commission on leads or sales. The publisher displays banners, ads, text links or products on their Web site and is
paid a commission by the advertiser when a visitor takes a specific action, such as filling out a form or making a purchase. Adsense Money Makers Check Jpg

If ever anyone can be considered an Internet marketing superstar Money Makers, ShoeMoney would be near the top of the list. Jeremy Shoemaker is a search engine marketer who knows how to take advantage of both Google AdSense and AdWords. In the above photo, you see him with the biggest Google AdSense check he has ever received from Google. The income was earned back in the month of August 2005. Since then Mr. Shoemaker has moved to wire transfers. No doubt, he got tired to dealing with the bank tellers when trying to deposit $100K plus checks every month.

Unlike the other Google whores on this list, ShoeMoney, as he likes to be call, does not own just one site. He makes his enormous Google checks using hundreds of sites and thousands of domains.

4: Jason Calacanis: Weblogs, Inc. - $120,000 per month

Money Makers Before Jason Calacanis sold Weblogs, Inc to AOL for $25 million, he got the network of blogs making over $4,000 a day from Google AdSense. So impressive was his AdSense performance that Google used Weblogs for a case study.

Now that AOL controls Weblogs, you can bet it is making a lot more than a measly $120,000 a month.

5: David Miles Jr. & Kato Leonard - $100,000 per month

Money Makers According to this Washington Post article, David Miles Jr. and Kato Leonard, claims they make $100,000 a month from their site,, which gives away designs that people can use on MySpace.

The only problem with the revenue figure is it is not 100% AdSense. Free Web Layouts use other advertising networks in addition to Google. However, with a claimed $100,000 per month in revenues, I am fairly confident that the AdSense portion is higher than our next Google whore.

6: Tim Carter: - $30,000 per month

Money Makers Tim Carter is a licensed master plumber and carpenter with his own radio show. He also makes frequent television appearances. He founded in 1995, The primary focus has been catering to an avid following of fellow builders on the site. According to the Google case study, Mr. Carter did such a good job tweaking the Google ads on his site that it now makes $30,000 a month.

Tim’s AdSense revenues now average $1400 a day and growing. Overall, Carter is enthusiastic about AdSense: it allows him to focus on content development, and gives him built-in tools to measure ad performance and make changes to maximize revenues. “People come to me for help,” says Carter. “They get what they need from my columns and advice - and also from ads delivered by AdSense.”

7: Joel Comm - $24,000 per month

Money Makers Joel Comm is get rich quick guru. He wrote the best selling e-book, What Google Never Told You About Making Money with AdSense. The e-book, along with the website that promotes it has a screen shot of Mr. Comm AdSense earning from November 19, 2005 to December 15, 2005. Whether or not Mr. Comm still makes this much from Google is anybody’s guess.

8: Shawn Hogan – $10,000 per month

Back in January of 2005 the New York Times had an article about AdSense, featuring Shawn Hogan, founder of DigitalPoint. The article states that Mr. Hogan makes $10,000 per month from Google AdSense using a very unique revenue sharing model.

Google pays Digital Point about $10,000 a month, depending on how many people view or click on those ads, said Shawn D. Hogan, the owner and chief technology officer of Digital Point.

Mr. Hogan said he started the revenue-sharing approach in 2004 “as kind of a marketing gimmick.”

“But everyone seemed to think it was a cool idea,” he said. “I saw a lot of other sites doing the same thing maybe six months later.”
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Staro 06. 01. 2007.   #2
Avatar bojan_bozovic
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Pardon, da dodam, najvise zaradjuju firme poput AOL preko Google pretrage, mnogo vise nego digg.
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Staro 06. 01. 2007.   #3
Nikola Vavic
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Datum učlanjenja: 25.10.2006
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Nikola Vavic is on a distinguished road

Linkovani sajt je prekopirao tekst koji je John Chow napisao jos pre nekoliko meseci.
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Staro 06. 01. 2007.   #4
Nikola Denić
Sir Write-a-Lot
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^ znao sam da sam negde to procitao,a da nije to ovaj izvor koji je naveo Dragan.
Do not ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive
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Staro 06. 01. 2007.   #5
Ilija Studen
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Invented the damn thing
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Još jedna zanimljiva stvar u vezi sa zaradom od pretraživača - kako browseri mlate lepe pare:

A ja se čudio kako to da autori Maxthona tvrde da posluju pozitivno već dugo vremena (besplatan IE shell posluje pozitivno, wtf? - to mi je bila reakcija).
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Staro 06. 01. 2007.   #6
Dragan Varagić
Datum učlanjenja: 07.08.2005
Lokacija: Novi Sad
Poruke: 631
Hvala: 25
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This is a list of individual site owners - people just like you and me. Big corporate AdSense publishers like AOL are excluded.
Lepo je napisano o kakvoj se listi radi. Znači lista pojedinaca - smisao je da ako imate dobru ideju i dobru realizaciju, možete računati i na veće prihode od ovog servisa.

Objavio sam ovo, jer nisam nešto video da je neko preneo ovu informaciju.
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Staro 06. 01. 2007.   #7
Vladan Zirojević
Grand Master
Datum učlanjenja: 09.06.2006
Lokacija: Beograd/Trebinje
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zira ima spektakularnu auruzira ima spektakularnu auruzira ima spektakularnu auru
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Eh, Dragane, kao sto ti volis da kazes, vidim da ne citas moj blog
__________________ SrediMe
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Staro 06. 01. 2007.   #8
Nikola Denić
Sir Write-a-Lot
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znao sam da sam procitao to negde na domacem web-u
Do not ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive
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Staro 06. 01. 2007.   #9
Ivan Dilber
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ivanhoe je ime poznato svimaivanhoe je ime poznato svimaivanhoe je ime poznato svimaivanhoe je ime poznato svimaivanhoe je ime poznato svimaivanhoe je ime poznato svimaivanhoe je ime poznato svimaivanhoe je ime poznato svimaivanhoe je ime poznato svimaivanhoe je ime poznato svimaivanhoe je ime poznato svima
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ja poznajem momka koji uzima izmedju $8K i $10K mesecno od adSense-a na 10-tak sajtova... covek zivi u Beogradu i nema druge zaposlene sem njega... tako da ove cifre nisu uopste toliko neverovatne...
Leadership is the art of getting people to want to do what you know must be done.
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Staro 06. 01. 2007.   #10
old school
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Originalno napisao ivanhoe
ja poznajem momka koji uzima izmedju $8K i $10K mesecno od adSense-a na 10-tak sajtova... covek zivi u Beogradu i nema druge zaposlene sem njega... tako da ove cifre nisu uopste toliko neverovatne...
jel smeš da kažeš barem neki sajt?
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