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Staro 22. 07. 2008.   #1
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Datum učlanjenja: 08.07.2008
Poruke: 2
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Default Jobs at CounterPath

Sales Support Engineers
CounterPath has immediate needs for highly skilled Sales Support Engineers to support our growing Sales Team in offering our world class SIP based softphone technologies. The Sales Support Engineer is a key member of the CounterPath Sales Team in winning business for the company by assisting and providing pre-sales support to Inside Sales, Account Management, Field Sales and Channel Partners. This is a full time position.

We are seeking candidates based in: Serbia

* Perform and conduct technical presentations to various clients at all levels (Conduct comprehensive/adept technical sales and product presentations to a small or wide audiences)
* Assist the Managing Directors, Regional Sales Managers, Inside Sales on all CounterPath pre-sales sales and technical matters for all inquiries to support clients
* Prepare and develop pre-qualification proposals including RFPs/RFIs/RFQs for major and minor projects
* Conduct research of target products/competitors and technologies to ensure product competitiveness and development of technical strategies to secure deals/projects
* Establish customer relationship by following-up with various technical proponents to ensure all technical requirements and documentation are met with satisfaction
* Conduct pre-sales activities and plans are carried out on time by being self motivated and organized
* Perform constant consultation and coordination with all technical matters for all inquiries with the CounterPath Sales team
* Communicate and participate with various CounterPath engineers/managers/executives on all sales/pre-sales and technical related queries
* Participate in Vendor Interop and Post-Support activities if necessary


* Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
* Minimum 3-4 years experience with Telecom, IP Networking and IP-PBX, SIP & VOIP technologies, perhaps from one of the larger vendors in the space
* 2-3 years as a Sales Support Engineer/Pre-Sales Engineer capacity
* Fluency in Windows. Unix/Linux is an asset
* Technical background in system, server and desktop security
* Ability to evaluate customer needs and relate technical product features to business benefits and requirements
* Ability to troubleshoot implementation and configuration issues
* Team oriented, self-motivated and well organized
* Experience in Fixed Mobile Convergence Solutions is an asset
* Programming skills in C++, Javascript, and C# is an asset
* Experience in providing technical training is an asset
* Industry Networking Certifications is an asset

SIP Devoloper, Web developer
For both positions this applies
-Solution Development and Delivery
* Understands technical and functional design requirements.
* Creates prototypes for client engagements.
* Designs, codes, and tests technical solutions.
* Identifies system deficiencies and recommends solutions.
-Project Execution
* Assists in enforcement of development deadlines and schedules.
* Understands the necessity of and contributes to coding standards.
* Prioritizes multiple tasks effectively.

1.SIP Developer

Job Description
-Work with innovation team on new concepts/applications
-Design and develop code in C++ (ReSIProcate)

Candidate Profile
-Education: Bachelor of Science/Engineering in Computer Engineering/
-Experience in Socket Programming, Multithreading, C++/Java
* Systems/Server software development,
* Multi-threaded programming,
* Networking concepts/fundamentals is required
* Linux platform preferred, experience with development on Windows
-Good understanding of wireless technologies like GSM/CDMA
* Optional experience: development of SS7 stack (MAP, TCAP, ISUP,
-Must have experience in development VOIP (SIP, MGCP, H.323)
-Good knowledge in Networking, TCP/IP communications is desirable

2. Web developer
Job description
-Work with innovation team on new concepts/applications
-Design and develop applications in any structured programing language
(Apache/Linux platform)

Candidate Profile
-Education: Bachelor of Engineering/Science in Computer Engineering/
-Understands VoIP concepts
-Programming Languages
* Demonstrates proficiency in at least one structured programming
* Creates effective XSL stylesheets.
* Reads and understands XML schemas.
* Understands client server and internet systems architectures.
* Demonstrates familiarity with object and component methodology
and technology.
* Understands DCOM/CORBA or equivalent.
* Identifies appropriate use of COM objects.
-Relational Databases
* Understands advanced relational database concepts.
* Demonstrates proficiency with physical and logical database
* Writes effective stored procedures.
* Possesses demonstrated work experience with at least one
relational database management system.

Send CV with reference for position to
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