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Staro 20. 06. 2005.   #1
Goran Pilipović
Sir Write-a-Lot
Avatar bluesman
Datum učlanjenja: 18.05.2005
Lokacija: Beograd
Poruke: 5.450
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Default Browseri sa Gecko engine

Možda je interesantno da se zna, kada pravite nešto, u kojim sve browserima možete da očekujete da to "nešto" radi kako ste zamislili. Ovo je lista browsera i alata baziranih na Gecko engine:

Mozilla Hall of Fame.

U skracenoj verziji:
MozNGW is a Mozilla-based client for the Novell GroupWise server components.

Epiphany is the Web browser for the GNOME desktop. It aims for simplicity and standards compliance.

FireCast, by WireSpring Technologies, is a Linux-based platform for deploying and remotely managing networks of interactive kiosks. FireCast OS, the Linux kiosk operating system, uses embedded Mozilla browsers for everything from displaying client content to providing GUI management tools.

Silicon Graphics
Silicon Graphics builds and distributes Mozilla with releases of their Irix Operating System.

Conectiva is a GNU/Linux distribution targetted for Latin America. The distribution bundles Mozilla and Netscape 7.

UnitedLinux is a GNU/Linux distribution targetted for enterprise markets and includes Mozilla. It combines the resources of the four founding companies: Conectiva, The SCO Group, SuSE Linux AG, TurboLinux, Inc.

Netscape 7
Netscape 7.2 is the latest Netscape commercial distribution of Mozilla 1.7.2 for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. Its user interface is tuned for end-users rather than developers, and it includes additional features such as AIM and a spell checker.

PTC uses Gecko in PRO/Engineer Wildfire, its award-winning Web-enabled CADCAM product

Mozilla provides the HTML preview feature within Borland's Kylix2 IDE.
Mozdev hosts projects that provide over 100 extensions, add-ons, and Mozilla applications.

Xabyl is an editor for editing XBL files visually. It is implemented using XUL and can be installed in Mozilla.

ManyOne Networks
ManyOne Networks has released the Mozilla-based ManyOne Universal Browser, "a more natural, intuitive, educational and entertaining way to explore the Internet over even the slowest Internet connections."

Topstyle uses Gecko as its rendering engine in the Topstyle Pro HTML/CSS/XHTML editor.

AOL for Mac integrates with a Gecko-based Web browser.

GEtax, the Geneva Tax Office in Switzerland (the local equivalent of the US IRS) is sending CDs to every taxpayer in the region to help them access their tax-filing web application and fill in the revenue declaration form. The CD, shipped to 400,000 people, includes Mozilla 1.2.1 in French for Windows, Linux and OSX.

The first version of Mozilla for HP-UX PA and IPF platforms is now available. HP also provides the Mozilla Web Client for Tru64 UNIX and Mozilla for OpenVMS, and its Printer Assistant product uses an embedded version of Netscape 7.0/Mozilla 1.0.1.

Camino is a project aimed at delivering a best-of-breed browser on the OS X platform. Camino uses Cocoazilla, a variant of Fizzilla that consists of a UNIX back end wed to a Cocoa front end.

OEOne makes an operating environment that "combines the power of Linux and the Mozilla browser" with ease of use and lots of applications.

Nokia uses Mozilla as part of its Media Terminal, a powerful infotainment center for the home combining the Internet and digital broadcasting.

IBM Web Browser
The IBM Web Browser is a port of Mozilla for OS/2 with an added spell checker and flash plugin. IBM also makes the Mozilla browser available for AIX.

IBM also uses the Mozilla browser in its INotes web-based mail product.

Red Hat Linux
Red Hat Linux is a distribution of the Linux operating system which comes packaged with a variety of applications, including Mozilla.

Compuserve embeds Gecko in version 7.0 of its client. News stories from ZDNet and cover the release in April.

Sun Netscape 7
Netscape 7 is the Solaris port of the latest Internet browsing, mail, and instant messaging software from Netscape.

Komodo is ActiveState's cross-platform development environment for scripting languages.

Linspire (formally known as LindowsOS) is an easy-to-use, Windows-like operating system that's being sold on PCs at large retailers like Walmart, and that features the Mozilla browser.

Ximian GNOME
Ximian GNOME is the complete, easy to use desktop environment for Linux and UNIX users. Ximian GNOME provides a robust suite of applications that enhance user productivity, speed communication and simplify software and information management. Ximian GNOME includes the Mozilla browser, and supports a wide range of distributions and platforms, including Red Hat, Linux Mandrake, SuSE, Debian, TurboLinux, and more.

Debian is a free operating system which uses the Linux kernel (the core of an operating system), but most of the basic OS tools come from the GNU project; hence the name GNU/Linux. Debian GNU/Linux provides more than a pure OS: it comes with more than 3950 packages, precompiled software bundled up in a nice format for easy installation on your machine. One of these applications is Mozilla.

Fabula is a project aimed at supporting bilingual learning and literacy in primary schools in lesser-used language speaking communities in Europe. Fabula has produced a set of easy-to-use software for making and interacting with bilingual multimedia storybooks, allowing teachers and their children to combine texts in two languages, interactive images, sounds, on-screen wordlists and word games into rich and entertaining learning resources.

Galeon is a GNOME Web browser based on gecko (the mozilla rendering engine). It's fast and it has a light interface.

The Nautilus shell is an innovative software environment for GNOME that integrates file management, web browsing, and system management on linux.

Beonex is an internet client software suite targetted at end-users - both invidiuals and small- to large-size companies - and services related it.

Nvu is a Mozilla-based HTML editor for Linux and Windows. It is being developed by Daniel Glazman under the lead sponsorship of Linspire, Inc.. Nvu is a powerful Web authoring system which includes an ftp site manager and CaScadeS, a CSS editor (available for Mozilla Composer as an extension).

The DocZilla Browser is a component add-on for Mozilla based browsers which includes XML/SGML Parser, DTD Parser, Link Manager, and CALS Table Support components.
Goran Pilipović a.k.a. Ugly Fingers Bradley f.k.a. bluesman
I don't always know what I'm talking about but I know I'm right!
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Staro 20. 06. 2005.   #2
Nikola Denić
Sir Write-a-Lot
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Datum učlanjenja: 18.05.2005
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Poruke: 3.694
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