08. 03. 2006. | #1 |
The businessman and the fisherman
Preuzeto sa ES-a, a originalno sa jednog stranog foruma...
A management consultant, on holiday in a African fishing village, watched a little fishing boat dock at the quayside. Noting the quality of the fish, the consultant asked the fisherman how long it had taken to catch them. "Not very long." answered the fisherman. "Then, why didn't you stay out longer and catch more?" asked the consultant. The fisherman explained that his small catch was sufficient to meet his needs and those of his family. The consultant asked, "But what do you do with the rest of your time?" "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, have an afternoon's rest under a coconut tree. In the evenings, I go into the community hall to see my friends, have a few beers, play the drums, and sing a few songs..... I have a full and happy life." replied the fisherman. The consultant ventured, "I have an MBA from Harvard and I can help you...... You should start by fishing longer every day. You can then sell the extra fish you catch. With the extra revenue, you can buy a bigger boat. With the extra money the larger boat will bring, you can buy a second one and a third one and so on until you have a large fleet. Instead of selling your fish to a middleman, you can negotiate directly with the processing plants and maybe even open your own plant. You can then leave this little village and move to a city here or maybe even in the United Kingdom, from where you can direct your huge enterprise." "How long would that take?" asked the fisherman. "Oh, ten, maybe twenty years." replied the consultant. "And after that?" asked the fisherman. "After that? That's when it gets really interesting," answered the consultant, laughing, "When your business gets really big, you can start selling shares in your company and make millions!" "Millions? Really? And after that?" pressed the fisherman. "After that you'll be able to retire, move out to a small village by the sea, sleep in late every day, spend time with your family, go fishing, take afternoon naps under a coconut tree, and spend relaxing evenings havings drinks with friends..." P.S. Sjajna prica.... |
08. 03. 2006. | #2 |
Super Moderator
Invented the damn thing
Datum učlanjenja: 06.06.2005
Poruke: 2.371
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701 "Hvala" u 194 poruka
Zaista sjajna prica
08. 03. 2006. | #3 |
Knowledge base
Wrote a book
Odlicna prica.
08. 03. 2006. | #4 |
Direktor Kombinata
Invented the damn thing
Datum učlanjenja: 07.06.2005
Poruke: 2.669
Hvala: 44
119 "Hvala" u 64 poruka
Ovu mi je drugarica ispričala pre par meseci. Zanimljiva priča. Ja hoću to da ostvarim do 30te Zezam se naravno, ali bi bilo lepo kad bi moglo.
activeCollab - Project Management and Collaboration Tool iz domaće kuhinje | area51.rs - Blog |
08. 03. 2006. | #5 | |
Datum učlanjenja: 21.06.2005
Poruke: 294
Hvala: 93
525 "Hvala" u 19 poruka
08. 03. 2006. | #6 |
Knowledge base
Wrote a book
Datum učlanjenja: 09.06.2005
Poruke: 1.123
Hvala: 26
319 "Hvala" u 22 poruka
Ček, zar od vas nije niko gledao kraj odličnog filma Purpose (priča o fiktivnoj dot-com kompaniji DigitalDreams) koji je identičan ovoj priči?
Razlika je u tome što je radnja smještena u Meksiku i ovaj MBA lik je u stvari programer i CEO te kompanije, koji u momentima nakon što je trampio svog Audi TT-a za izlazak iz meksičkog zatvora, shvata suštinu života. Fino to zvuči, možda bih razmišljao o ovom scenariju za 20-tak godina ukoliko nebih imao za vratom djecu koju treba nahraniti, obuti, obući i školovati. Do te četrdesete ima mnogo prečih stvari da se odradi, da se pare prvo zarade, pa onda laganeze krše na kurve i kokain |
08. 03. 2006. | #7 |
web dude
Grand Master
Datum učlanjenja: 09.06.2005
Poruke: 912
Hvala: 46
24 "Hvala" u 21 poruka
Cuo pricu i gledao film, i jedno i drugo davno bese.
Hm, sve je to lepo ali.....
polovni mobilni telefoni mali oglasi prodaja korišćenih aparata |
08. 03. 2006. | #8 |
Knowledge base
Wrote a book
Datum učlanjenja: 07.06.2005
Lokacija: Neđe ođe...
Poruke: 1.197
Hvala: 339
688 "Hvala" u 178 poruka
Prica je starija od filma, to mogu pouzdano da kazem jer sam je cuo jos kao brucos, a to je bilo makar 3 godine prije dot com boom-a...
Inace, ova prica me pomalo podsjeca na one narodne poslovice koje nisu nista drugo do pravdanje neuspjeha i inertnosti... Npr. "Cutanje je zlato", "Pametniji popusta" i slicne. Da citiram (onako, po sjecanju) Balasevica: "Optimisti su izmislili varijantu da je bolje biti siromasan i srecan nego bogat i nesrecan. Peisimisti su se dosjetili da postoji opcija biti i siromasan i nesrecan"... Uf, zanesoh se...
Чак Норис може да си ги врзе врвките на чевлите со стапалата. |
11. 03. 2006. | #10 | |
Tako da svako od nas ima vidjenje uspjeha - nacina da skroji svoj zivot po svojoj mjeri..
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